Ever wondered if you are a Krazee, or not?

June 2, 2018 [WILDLY KRAZY]—Krazees are a different breed among society, as they are the ones that society cannot control or understand. Krazees dance to their own beat, and they do not care about popularity, peer pressure, trends, and they are not social responsible, meaning they do not care about your opinions, feelings, or what society dictates.

Krazees simply tread their own paths, and make their own rules, even if you disagree. Are you a Krazee?

[1] You are rebellious

Everything the public does, Krazees rebel and do the opposite, because they are uninterested when it comes to opinions, beliefs, or social trends, making Krazees seem weird, or anti-social assholes.

However, the public could not be more wrong about Krazees…

Krazees are their own individual, with their own beliefs, personalities, and lives—they do not follow crowds, popularity, and-or trends.

Krazees live their own lives, on their own terms, and want to standout, differently, from society. Krazees are intellectual people who seek uniqueness, freedom, and the independence to do what they want without restrictions or rules.

Krazees hate rules with a passion, and they hate it even more when other people try to dictate their lives. Thus, Krazees do not give a damn about the opinion of others. Instead, Krazees are the type of people that create their own fashion; design their own clothing; form clubs, societies, organizations, businesses, etc.

In fact, it is arguable that Krazees themselves are the trendsetters within society, because they are independent thinkers, who think for themselves, instead of what the television, the media, or what Hollyweird celebrities spout, do, and-or say.

Pretty much, Krazees are society's rebels who do as they damn well please; as they are the uncontrollable assholes that the status quo hates.

[2] You love the single life

Krazees often avoid relationships, because relationships can smother, and restrict their freedom.

Krazees are free-spirited people who would rather have "friends with benefits," rather than having a relationship that can possibly hinder their ability to live life to its fullest.

To a Krazee, a relationship requires too much time, money, energy, and they are too controlling. Krazees would rather experience life with whomever they want, whenever they want, without some trying to dictate or question their actions.

Thus, Krazees usually have many 'sidekicks' of the opposite sex, instead of a committed relationship.

Why spend life restricted, when you can do as you please, freely?

[3] You strive for money, fame, and success.

Krazees are fanatics when it comes to their dreams and life goals; such much so they tune out the world around them, and spend all of their time—focused—trying to accomplish their dreams.

Krazees love money, fame, and success, and they will do anything that is necessary in order to achieve their goals of living like a rock star.

Krazees were born to be entrepreneurs, and trailblazers, because they are driven, fearless, and are not scared of failure.

[4] You want to change the world

Krazees are passionate about their passions, which is why they dream of leading a cause, and changing the world.

Krazees are the type of people that build non-profits, charities, political parties, etc.

They are the type of people that travel the world, helping those less fortunate, or building social and political movements to topple governments, and the status quo.

Krazees set out to change society, because their only goal in this world is the world itself. Therefore, Krazees will bust their asses, and risk their lives until they hold the world in the palms of their hands.

Krazees are crazy enough to believe that they can change the world…and they usually do…

[5] You are an adrenaline junky

For a Krazee, danger and bravado are nothing out of the norm, because Krazees love to live life on the edge, without limits. In fact, Krazees love the thrills, the adrenaline rush, and the excitement they receive when pursuing and participating in risky and dangerous feats.

Krazees love to push boundaries, and conqueror the unconquerable. Thus, they are often entrepreneurs, explorers, athletes, daredevils, rock climbers, mountaineers, skydivers, base-jumpers, military—any activity that brings significant dangers, and goes against our natural human instincts of survival.

What is the point of life if you are not living?

[6] You crave adventure

Krazees are the type of people that go camping deep in the forest to get away from society, or to get drunk and party—naked—with their band of wild-misfit friends.

Krazees love to travel the world, explore, and experience new cultures, food, and-or languages, because they are the type of person that enjoys faraway lands, and exotic cultures.

Krazees are the type of people that will take a road trip across the entire United States, or explore the unexplored.

If there is a wild adventure ahead, Krazees will be the first to jump onboard.

[7] You love to look good

Krazees love to look good, and feel great; therefore, they understand that in order to achieve both, they must keep their bodies healthy and in shape. In fact, Krazees are very aware of their bodies, physical appearances, and the foods they eat.

Krazess, for the most part, live healthy and active lifestyles, which provides the energy they need to conquer their goals, and live and have the lifestyle they desire.

[8] You love tattoos

Humans have marked their bodies with tattoos for thousands of years, serving as amulets, decorations, signs of religious beliefs, and even status symbols among their society—from ruling class to slaves.

Warriors would tattoo their bodies to display rank, battle experience, spiritual protection during battle, and even used as psychological warfare.

In today's society, tattoos are a personality statement and style.

Krazees proudly display tattoos in order to share their personalities and attitudes, and for many Krazees, the more ink on their bodies, the better they feel about themselves, as tattoos become their life stories, and experiences.

"But tattoos look like shit when you're old!"

Rest assured, Buttercup—no one will stare at your old wrinkly ass, anyways, and sooner or later, your body is going to die, decay, and forgotten, anyhow.

[9] You like to standout

Krazees wear clothing that helps them standout, in a good way; therefore, they often wear flashy, revealing, sexy, or flattering clothing that shows off their feminine features, and-or manly-muscles.

Krazees are precise and meticulous when it comes to their clothing and appearance, especially when they are in public, because Krazees like to look attractive and impressive among people. They especially strive to look the best among the crowd.

[10] You never wear underwear or bras in public

If you hate and despise wearing underwear and bras, no matter what wardrobe or outfit you are wearing, you are a Krazee, hands down. Chances are—90% of time—you are letting your pussy, titties, and-or dick and balls roam, and bounce freely.

Society frowns upon the panty-less, and bra-less rebels—for it is a social sin to let your ass, tits, and crouch move and breathe comfortably. Nevertheless, Krazees do not give a damn about society's "rules" or "standards"…

Besides, Krazees understand that hard nipples and a tee shirt can achieve such a sexy style, and we can safely say that the majority of men will highly agree with that statement.

Although going panty-less in a skirt can achieve such a turn on, and such a sexy style, Krazees mainly avoid underwear because it is so comfortable.

Underwear squeeze the living hell out of your balls, until they are blue, while panties rub, cling, ride, and give veggies—vagina wedgies—that can leave ungodly rashes, and even yeast infections, especially while you sleep and workout.

You cannot argue with comfort…and you cannot argue with a Krazee, because you will always lose.

We are right, and we know it…right?

[11] You love daring and risky sexual activities

Candlelight and romantic sex are mundane, and boring to a Krazee. Therefore, Krazees would rather experience the thrill of having public sex, in hopes of someone secretly or openly watching. Krazees would rather experience the excitement of having a threesome with friends, or having sex in the seclusion of woods, under the stars.

Krazees would rather have risky quickies in the bathroom at their workplace with a colleague, or in the dressing room at the local mall with their hubby or boyfriend.

Sex with a Krazee is never boring, and it is usually unpredictably fun. If you are planning to have sex with a Krazee—if you are lucky—make sure you have the courage, creativity, and stamina in order to compete with their high sexual drive, and tendencies. Be prepared for wild, kinky, and dirty tactics, with the high possibility of sex toys and games.

[12] You're weird as fuck

Everything a Krazee does is abnormal in society… Krazees love the weird, the unexplained, and the mysteries in the world.

UFOs, aliens, zombies, scary movies, vampires, dooms day, apocalyptic, conspiracies, mysteries, poltergeists, ghost—any topic, movie, book, or material that is offbeat and weird will fascinate, and draw the attention of a Krazee.

Krazees are often the type of person that will want to explore, and stay the night in a known haunted house, just for the thrills of spotting a ghost, or getting scared.

Krazees seek the creepy, scary, and weird, because normal is boring.