Why do Krazees get so much ass?

Article written by KRAZED, WILDLY KRAZY's CEO, and edited by a Krazee.

June 20, 2018 [WILDLY KRAZY]—Why do some guys have pussy clinging to their legs, while other guys have not had pussy since pussy had them?

Why do some women have men willing to hand over both nuts in order to sleep with them, while other women fall back to Six—their six inch dildo?

Chances are high that they are a Krazee, and there are reasons why Krazees constantly have the opposite sex chasing and begging to sleep with them. However, before I start, let me clear up some misconceptions and stereotypes that men and women like to throw around, loosely.

Bad Boys, Alpha Males, Nice Guys, Perfect Princesses, and Sluts do not exist—it is all in your head…a misconception. There are, however, Assholes. With that said, though, I love Assholes, because they are weak minded, and their girls are easy to steal. Be that Asshole, and I will be that gentleman…until I get her in bed…

I have met many so-called Alphas and Bad Boys, but deep down, they were all insecure, scared little bitches, playing an act. I have met many so-called Nice Guys, but deep down, they were either pushovers or opportunists who exploited women.

I have met many so-called Sluts, but deep down, they were women who loved to have sex and have fun… In all honesty, they were humans doing what humans do best. Only jealous men view women as Sluts, because if you had the opportunities to sleep with any woman that you wanted, you would do it in a heartbeat. Quit being jealous and go play with pussy, and enjoy life.

I have met many so-called Perfect Princesses, but deep-down, they were insecure because they had many faults, like everyone else; plus, many had daddy issues.

You see, everyone has a weakness, and everyone has a strength, and no one is perfect. There is not a single person on this planet that is better or weaker than you, unless you allow them to be…in your head.

Sex, dating, social life—it is all psychological. You are who you think you are; it all starts in the mind. Therefore, from experience, no one gets more ass than a Krazee.

If you want to attract the opposite sex, start using your head, and be that person you dream about, using these characteristics as a starting point:

[1] Krazees are confident

Krazees do not need compliments, because Krazees already know they are the shit, and they already know they can do just about anything they put their mind to, but they are humble about it, which means they do not brag or boast—Krazees just prove it and live it, daily.

Krazees walk confident, look confident, talk confident, and think confident—they walk the walk, and they show it through their personality, mindset, and through their achievements and successes.

Krazees are assertive, and they stand behind everything they stand for, such as their beliefs and their principles. In addition, Krazees are go-getters that actively pursue their dreams, and go after what they want in life, even if it involves a fight, a challenge, or eating pussy.

You see, if I want to eat your pussy, I am going to tell you I want to eat your pussy, because I do not fear rejection, because I am confident in my approach and my abilities. If you turn-down my offer, I will go and eat your Krazester's [best-friend] pussy and I will not miss a beat, or lose sleep over your rejection. There are too many fish in the sea to cry over one, and failure is a step needed for success.

If you fail, or if you fall, learn from it and move on, and do not worry about it.

With that said, Krazees already know they will succeed, because they are proactive, positive, and they strive for success, at everything they do. They do not tear themselves down, because they avoid self-negativity.

Krazees are so confident they are not afraid to make tough decisions when they have to, and when they do make tough decisions, they sternly stand behind them with asserting authority, while giving strong eye-contact when confronted.

Besides, if you do not agree, Krazees do not give a shit, because a Krazee will continue to doing what they do, and they will enjoy every minute, despite your worthless opinion.

[2] Krazees are respectful

Krazees are respectful to everyone they meet, unless respect is lost due to the other person being a disrespectful cunt, or a whinny little bitch. Other than that, you will never see a Krazee take advantage or prey on those weaker than them.

Thus, a Krazee does not put others down, and they do not gossip, because Krazees are confident with their own lives, their own bodies and appearance, and their own style. Therefore, gossip and bullying are a form of insecurity, which Krazees know nothing about.

Krazees show empathy and they are always there with a helping hand, because they are able to relate and understand other people, while respecting other people's beliefs, backgrounds, and personal styles; however a Krazee never seeks their approval.

Nevertheless, Krazees are open-minded people; thus, they are always polite, while having manners, and understanding social etiquette.

If you want to make a pussy wet, make her feel sexy. If you want to boost his sex drive, boost his ego.

[3] Krazees are independent

Everything the public does, Krazees rebel and do the opposite, because they are uninterested when it comes to opinions, beliefs, or social trends.

Krazees are honest, trustworthy, and responsible people who own up to their own shit, taking care of their own problems, without seeking or asking for help.

Krazees are self-made people who have sweat and bleed in order to get where they are today—who have turned dust into gold—because they have high self esteem and have tremendous confidence in their abilities, which is the reason they never gave up when things got tough.

Krazees are self-motivated people who dream big, work hard, and always have the passion and courage to take action, and go after the prize, which is the reason they are unstoppable, in the bed and out of the bed.

[4] Krazees are risk-takers

Krazees take risks because they do not give a damn about opinions or consequences.

Krazees love to play with fire, they love the unknown and the exotic; they love adventures, and they love to experience and try new things, which are the reasons why they are so attractive, and so good in bed.

The sexiest females I have ever met were the kinkiest that lived life daring and risky, but they were elegant and genteel about it.

Thus, Krazees are bold people who stray from the status-quo, because they are rebels at heart who do not play by rules—they create their own rules, and live their own lives.

Krazees are natural-born leaders who are unafraid to take risks—who look for, and make life exciting, for everyone.

Daring sex is the best sex, and the most talked-about and memorable. If they are bragging, others are seeking. Make them brag about you for being daring and risky.

[5] Krazees are laid-back

Krazees are here to live and let live, no matter the opinions of others. As I said, there is not a person on this planet that is better or lesser than you are. We all have weaknesses, and we all have done stupid shit in our lives.

Thus, Krazees embrace their sexual side, enjoy flirting, and they never get jealous. Therefore, to a Krazee, sluts do not exist… I know, for some, that is a hard concept, but it is also the reason close-minded people do not get much ass.

People, especially women, want to feel secure, confident, sexy, and desirable with and around their partner. If they fear your judgment, they will find someone who does not judge them.

People love to laugh and have fun, and you cannot do that around stiffs and judgmental fucks, which brings up my next reason Krazees receive so much ass.

[6] Krazees are funny

In recent studies, 77% of all women ranked humor as the number one must-have in a man, beating out intelligence, passion, confidence, and generosity. According to women, in the studies, men that were considered funny were more attractive, and more likely to get laid.

In a recent study, guys said they found women more attractive when they smiled and laughed, because it put them at ease.

In my opinion, if I cannot laugh at you, and with you, I am running for the hills. No one likes resting-bitch-face, or angry-asshole-syndrome, because it is not fun to be around someone that is negative and boring.

I do not want to eat pussy while a woman stares at me like she wants to kill me…it is creepy as Hell, and a boner killer.

[7] Krazees fight for their Krazees

My wife and I were at the club one night, and this guy pushes her off this bar stool as she sat waiting to get a drink. Once he pushed her off, he sat down and ordered a drink.

I ran up and kicked the bar stool right from underneath him, causing him to hit his face on the bar, and fall to the floor.

He and his ten homeboys circled my wife and I. I did not bring any Krazees with me that night, so I was alone, facing ten other guys. I broke two beer bottles and stood between them and my wife. Yes, I probably—more than likely—would have lost the fight, but a few of those fuckers were not walking away; that I can promise.

They backed down, and walked to the other side of the bar.

You see, people gravitate to people who stand and fight for them. It is human nature, but potential pussy should not be the reason why you fight for your Krazee.

I do not care if you are a man or a woman—you stand and fight for your Krazees, because Krazees are your pride—they are your Lions. They are the ones that put up with your bullshit—your shenanigans—your crying, whining, and moaning. Therefore, it is the least you could do.

Lions are nothing without a pride. A lone Lion is a dead Lion; therefore, take care of your pride.

[8] Krazees look good

Krazees take care of themselves, and wash their ass. They dress to impress, and they take care of their bodies through hygiene, exercise, and active and physical lifestyles.

They eat healthy; they have safe sex; and they limit their liquor, drug, and alcohol consumption, if they even do those things at all.

Our bodies are merely machines, and like all machines, they break down without proper care and maintenance. Take care of your bodies and live a healthy and active lifestyle, because it also boosts your attractiveness, and your sex drive.

You cannot properly eat or pound pussy if you are constantly gasping for air. Hit, suck, and eat it like a healthy Lion.

[9] Krazees do not give a shit

That is right, Krazees do not give a shit about your opinions, or what you think about them, if that is not obvious by now.

Krazees are individualists who do not care about social standards or rules. Krazees are not whinny ass social justice warriors or snowflakes, because Krazees grab life by the balls, controlling the outcome of their own lives, creating their own social rules and standards.

Nothing can stand in the way of a Krazee, and nothing that can bring a Krazee down, because Krazees do not give a fuck.

Krazees are unapologetic when it comes to living their lives, and they will not change their ways or their personalities, no matter who gets butt-hurt, or who it pisses off.

Hell, I had Titus display my entire life to the world, because I do not care, and you should not, either. Let them hate, while you fuck and enjoy life, smiling. Do not let anyone bring you down in life. Tell them to go fuck themselves, because you are the shit, and you will always be the shit!

As I said, sex, dating, and social interaction are psychological, and you are who you believe you are. Therefore, live your dreams and be that person you want to be.

Be yourself, and be unique. Standout from the crowd, and you will have more ass than you will know what to do with.

Love you all! Take it easy, my fellow Krazees!