'Big Red' was huge! It was nine inches in length, and about four inches in diameter.

May 22, 2018 [WILDLY KRAZY]—One day at school, my best-friend, Mike, came up to me, excited, telling me that he found videos of his parents fucking, and his dad using dildos on his mom's ass.

I asked him…I said, "Did you watch that shit? You watched your mom and dad fuck?"

He said, "I just turned it on, to see what it was, and turned it off real fast."

Sure he did…

He and I were in sixth grade at the time, but we were constantly in trouble for doing stupid shit, and coming up with stupid ideas, so I figured it was just another stupid idea that would get us in trouble, like usual. However, with that said, though, he had me intrigued, and I really wanted to see his mom naked, especially using dildos. I mean, she was only thirty-five at the time—a sexy ass nurse, with an incredible, petite body. She was nice to look at, for damn sure.

We were both perverted eleven and twelve year old boys, that were always up to no good. Therefore—boys being boys—six of us perverts ran back to Mike's house after school to watch his parent's homemade porn, up in his parent's room, while they were at work.

Reaching under his parent's bed, Mike drags out a plastic container filled with VHS tapes. I mean, this was 1997, after all. At that time, most people did not have computers, or DVDs, and smart phones did not exist. Hell, we were still using payphones… Yahoo just came out three years ago, and Google would not come out until a year later.

"What is a payphone?"

Yes, exactly…

Mike popped in one of the VHS tapes, and instantly, it showed his mom getting ass-plugged by a huge, red dildo while she bent over, doggy style.

I'm not going to lie—some of his parent's porn were better than professional porn, and his mom was a naughty, sexy little freak, too!

We were sitting there, with our eyes clued to the TV—not saying a word—watching his dad shove dildos up his mom's ass, for about an hour before Mike opened his parent's closet, revealing twenty suction-cup-dildos standing straight up, neatly in a row, of various sizes. He blurts out, giggling like a typical virgin boy, saying, "this is the dildo in the movie!" as he points to the biggest and the most massive dildo in the closet…the red dildo…

Chris, one of the boys with us, said, "Dude, how big is 'Big Red?! That thing is massive!"

All four perverted boys jumped up off the bed, and ran over to checkout 'Big Red.' I mean, these little fuckers were taking turns holding it, swinging it around, and smacking each other over the head with the damn thing—the same dildo his mom was using in the video that we were watching.

Each time someone got smacked with the dildo, they would giggle and laugh like the little immature fucks that we were.

As for myself, I did not want to touch that son of a bitch... Was I the only one that noticed in the movie where 'Big Red' was shoved?

Did we forget Mike's mom had that in her ass?

Brandon, another little fucker, got the idea to measure 'Big Red'. Of course—why not? I mean, when you see a big dick you automatically want to know the measurements, right?

All six of us ran down stairs, outside in his front yard, and around back carrying 'Big Red' as it flopped all the way to the garage. Mike brought the tape measure over to the work bench where Big Red laid.

Here we are, all six of us little perverted fucks standing around, looking over 'Big Red' as Mike compared with the tape measure.

Nine inches in length, and about four inches in diameter… It is safe to say that Mike's mom did not have a virgin turd-hole.

The next day at school, 'Big Red' and Mike's mom's homemade porn were the only topics spoken on the playground at recess, among the boys.

For two weeks straight, every day after school, almost all of us sixth grade boys would run to Mike's house to watch his parent's homemade porn, and check out 'Big Red'. Within two weeks, we had a crowd of seventeen little perverts up at Mike's house, watching Mike's mom get savaged… Within four weeks, news spread to the middle school. Within five weeks, we had middle school boys participating, so I got the clever idea to start renting out Mike's parent's porn to the kids at school, and anyone else that wanted to rent them.

You know, Mike agreed to it as long as we split the profit, so we rented out all videos for $5 a day. We did this for about three months, making roughly $600, until his dumbass decides to bring 'Big Red' to school, in his backpack.

Here we are, all standing in the boy's bathroom, bullshitting and waiting on school to start, like we did every morning, before I hear little fuckers laughing and giggling… I turn around to see Mike holding 'Big Red' with both hands, flopping it around like a fucking elephant's trunk, saying, "Look at this! This is 'Big Red' from those videos!"

He walks over to me, and slaps the head of the dildo across the side of my face—running it down my face—across the side of my lips.

I swear, he was lucky he was my best friend, because, otherwise, I would have taken that damn thing and beat him with it.

I said, "Get that away from me—it's been in your mom's ass!"

He said, "You're fine—I think she washes it after she's done, because it's usually wet when I get it out of the closet…"

I yelled, as I was started spitting on the floor, "Gross! No one washes their dildos! It's wet from your mom's pussy and ass juices!"

Just as I said that, all the little fuckers ran out of the bathroom, shouting, "the teachers are coming!"

Of course, Mike panics, running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to find a place to stash 'BIG RED', until he runs into one of the bathroom stalls, and tries to flush the massive thing.

I hear the toilet flush, and damn near immediately afterwards, water rushes out of the toilet, hitting the floor.

His feet under the stall wall were the only thing I could see, as water poured all over the floor, across the bathroom… 'Big Red' had clogged the damn toilet.

I run into the stall to try and help Mike out, and I see him bent over the toilet, with both hands deep in the water, holding the head of 'Big Red', trying to pull it out of the turd-hole.

"It's too big! It's stuck. Help me!" he yelled, trying to free 'Big Red'.

I dove into the water—getting my shirt and pants wet—grabbing 'Big Red' by the head, as we both tugged, trying to free 'Big Red' before the teachers rushed in.

At that moment, I hear, "Oh…my…God…"

Mike and I were sitting outside of the principal's office, waiting for our parents, when we hear, "Michael James Young!"

"Oh fuck…she done said all three names—he is fucked now," I thought to myself.

She walked up to Mike with a mean ass look, and angrily whispered, "Get your fucking ass to the car, now."

She then looked over at me, and said, "How did I know you would be involved, too?"

Right as she said that, the janitor walked up to Mike's mom, and handed her 'Big Red' in a paper lunch bag; except, 'Big Red' was poking three to four inches out of the bag, because it was so long.

She snatched the bag from the janitor and gave me a mean-ass look. I said the only thing that popped into my head at that moment, "That thing is so big it got stuck in the toilet…"

Needless to say, he and I got suspended for a week, while seventeen other boys, who watched the porn, received a week of detention.

To this day, we still laugh about Big Red.