She was seductive, sexy…a succubus…the Lake Lady…

June 25, 2018 [WILDLY KRAZY]—It was on a Saturday in August, two months after Santa passed out in my sister's swimming pool, when we decided to throw another party, except this time, we decided to have the party at one of our Krazee's house, who happened to live on a lake without neighbors for miles.

The house sat about 60 to 70-yards from the lake, which meant the house had a little backyard, but the front yard was massive. They had a huge wrap-around deck that overlooked the lake, so we had people on the deck, the front yard, and inside of the house.

According to our Krazee, 25-feet was the deepest part of the lake, and where their house sat, it dropped to 12-feet after about 7-feet from the shoreline. The lake was massive, and only two other houses sat across the lake from our Krazee's house—a total of three houses on the lake.

Just to get to the lake house you had to drive 7-miles down an old country road from the nearest town, which had a population of 508 people. The gravel, country road had large cornfields on all sides of the road, and at night, it was pitch-black—not a streetlight in sight. Pretty much, we were out in bum-fucked-Egypt.

By about 12:30am, we're all pretty much stoned and drunk off our asses, running around half-naked—running around in bikinis, swimming trunks, and-or athletic shorts.

"Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!" the crowd in the house chanted.

KRAZED, Mike, "Big Boy", and four others were chugging six beers lined up in front of them, racing each other in a drinking contest, trying to claim the champion title. "Big Boy" had the nickname for a reason… He weighs 360 lbs, with a shaved head, but his beer intake is off the chain.

I shit you not, "Big Boy" had all six beers down before any of them finished their third beer. "Big Boy" had this ability to chug beer like no other person I have ever seen, and KRAZED and Mike are very experienced drinkers, who both hold their liquor well, but no one at any of our parties could defeat "Big Boy", the reigning champ.

"Watch out—I'm hungry now," Big Boy said, as he got up after winning the chugging contest.

Big Boy ran over to the refrigerator, pulled out an unopened package of bacon, took it over to the table, and started eating it, raw.

"Are you going to cook that shit, son?" KRAZED asked Big Boy.

"What's wrong with you?! That ruins the flavor!" Big Boy shot back, devouring the bacon within two to three minutes of sitting down at the table.

After having the chugging contest, Mike was wasted, leaning over the table, drunk off his ass, until he decides to get the dumb-ass idea of sticking his head in the ceiling fan that sat directly over the table that he, KRAZED, and Big Boy sat at.

The fan was at the highest speed, when Mike blurts, "watch this!"

Mike stands up and sticks his head directly into the ceiling fan, as the blades pounded his head, leaving a red welt across his forehead. Truly, a "hold my beer" moment.

"You're the dumbest motherfucker I know," KRAZED said, laughing hysterically.

"Do it again! No balls!" the party shouted, as everyone sat around the table or on the couches inside the living room and kitchen area.

Mike does it again, but this time, he breaks two fan blades after they leave a long, bloody cut across his forehead…

Everyone laughs their asses off, when Big Boy, out of nowhere, pukes all over the table, leaving behind raw, chunky bacon pieces across the table. All of the girls run outside to the back part of the deck, screaming. Three of the guys that stood near Big Boy when he puked, ran outside and threw up all over the deck, so everyone runs off of the deck, and onto the lake shoreline.

Within a matter of minutes, we had one dumb-ass break the ceiling fan with his head, and four dumb-asses puking everywhere, causing everyone to converge onto the lake shoreline.

After about 30-minutes—after several Krazees cleaned up the puke—we all made our way back into the house. By this time, it was about 1:15am, with around 60 of us sitting in the living room, drinking and passing around a community joint, when this sexy ass chick walks into the house with two of her girl friends.

She wore white denim shorts, and a black bikini top; she had blonde hair, and greenish-blue eyes, and her skin and appearance were tan; including an athletic body that displayed a six-pack and a pierced belly-button.

The moment she walked into the party, is the moment she took control. Damn near every guy was following her around like lost dogs in heat, as they surrounded her in the kitchen while she stood next to her friends and two girls that KRAZED arrived with.

"Who is she?" I asked KRAZED.

"I don't know—never saw her in my life," KRAZED replied back, as he took a drink of his orange juice and vodka.

"She's a succubus, man—bad voodoo… She's bad for the health, son," KRAZED said, laughing.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Look how she took control of the party just by walking in—just about every guy in this house follows her around with their little red dicks sticking out. If a girl can control a party like that, she can control any guy that she wants, which is the reason she is bad for the health. She's a succubus—a chick that gets her way because of her looks, and through sex," KRAZED replied back, before taking another drink of his vodka and orange juice.

"I still don't get how she's bad for the health, though," I replied back, all confused.

"She's hypnotic…fucking mesmerizing… She's the type that plays mind games, because she can. Check her out; even though she has damn every guy in here surrounding her, she's ignoring them. She plays mind games, and hard to get—stay away from those types of girls, unless you like mind games," KRAZED replied back, before heading over to the two girls he came to the party with, near the succubus.

Still confused, I walk over to stand beside KRAZED, to join the conversation.

"What's your profile?" KRAZED asked the succubus.

"What do you mean?" the succubus asked KRAZED.

"What school do you go to? How old are you?" KRAZED asked.

"Why does any of that matter," the succubus asked sternly.

"Lake Lady…you came in here dominating one of my parties…I just want to know your story…" KRAZED fired back.

"I didn't realize you owned this party, or any of the people in it," she fired back.

"Quit playing mind games, female—and tell all of these guys that you're a lesbian, so they can quit wasting their time, so we can get the party back on track. You're fucking up the vibe of my party, and it's annoying the shit out of me," KRAZED shot back.

To this day, I have zero clues as to why the succubus annoyed KRAZED so much—if she even did—or how she was fucking up the party's vibe, but we were all shocked when he claimed that the succubus was a lesbian.

"She's not a lesbian, dumb-ass," Mike yelled at KRAZED.

"Hey dipshit—I know a lesbian when I see a lesbian. You fuckers are thinking with your little heads too much to see it," KRAZED shot back.

"I'm bisexual, for your information," the succubus shot back at KRAZED.

"See, that's all you had to say, princess," KRAZED replied back to the succubus, after proving his point.

KRAZED walked off, and I followed.

"What the hell does it matter if she's lesbian?" I asked KRAZED, all confused.

"Time to spice up the party," KRAZED said smiling, as he cleared off the table.

"Body shots, son," KRAZED said, smiling.

"How did you know that she was a lesbian?" I asked KRAZED.

"I didn't—I just pulled that out of my ass—a wild guess. I had to know which way she swung for the body shots," KRAZED said, laughing.

"You're trying to get her to do body shots?" I asked.

"Fuck yes I am," KRAZED said, smiling.

As the Four Horsemen, it was our job to entertain and spice up the parties, because the more entertaining our parties, the more money we made through liquor sells, and to be honest, the party was starting to die, so KRAZED was looking to jolt the party back to life.

Understanding the plan, I grab the best drink for body shots…Hpnotiq…and help KRAZED wipe down and clean off the kitchen table.

KRAZED grab's Echo's hand—the chick he went with to the party—and leads her over to the table. At first, she seemed nervous and shocked, until KRAZED dumped Hpnotiq on her stomach, and started playing with her boobs, while sucking off the Hpnotiq from her stomach. From there, her giggling turned into a face of pleasure, as she stroked her fingers through his hair.

Echo was a beauty that wore a white bikini top, and red athletic, booty shorts to the party.

After sucking the Hpnotiq from Echo's stomach, KRAZED rips off Echo's bikini top and pours Hpnotiq all over her tits, as he begins sucking and licking her nipples. From there, I knew what to do…

"$1 per body shot!" I yelled out.

Guys and girls, both, lined up, taking turns sucking Hpnotiq from Echo's titties and stomach. After about three people taking shots from Echo's body, the succubus hands me a dollar bill. The succubus walked over, and slightly pulled down Echo's athletic shorts and bikini bottoms, revealing the top of Echo's pussy, as the succubus dumped and sucked Hpnotiq from Echo's pussy.

What started out as giggling, turned into moaning, as guys sucked off Hpnotiq from Echo's tits, while the succubus pretty much ate-out Echo.

KRAZED ran over and pulled Echo's shorts and bikini bottoms completely off, revealing her entire pussy, as he poured more Hpnotiq all over Echo's pussy for the succubus.

At this point, Echo is moaning and her legs spread eagle on the table as random people, and the succubus licked and sucked Hpnotiq from her body. Within 5-minutes, I had already made $30, as everyone waited their turned.

Echo motions for KRAZED to walk over in front of her, as she rips into his pants. KRAZED pours Hpnotiq all over his dick, as Echo sucked it off. Thirty seconds later, the succubus walks over and helps Echo suck the Hpnotiq from KRAZED, as Big Boy takes over for the succubus and pours his paid Hpnotiq shot all over Echo's pussy, as he sucked it up like a dog in heat.

KRAZED then pulls Echo off the table and shouts, "Derrick, on the table, stud!"

Derrick was one of our Krazees, and was a male-whore who fucked just about every hot girl in our school. He was ripped and chiseled like a Greek God, which is why KRAZED wanted Derrick on the table.

Derrick got completely naked and jumped up on the table, as girls lined up for their Hpnotiq shot.

While girls sucked and licked Hpnotiq from Derrick, KRAZED took Echo over and sat her down on top of the kitchen counter, and fucked her, missionary, as people stood around watching, and cheering him on, while several other girls took turns smacking him on the ass.

One of the Four Horsemen grabbed one of the Hpnotiq bottles and took it over near KRAZED, pouring some all over KRAZED and Echo. Fuckers took turns licking it off of KRAZED and Echo as they fucked on the kitchen counter.

The succubus walked over to Echo and started sucking on her nipples, as KRAZED pounded Echo. While she sucked Echo's nipples, KRAZED ripped off the succubus' bikini top, revealing her small, perky, pierced tits to the entire party, as everyone cheered.

By this point, Derrick had one girl sucking Hpnotiq from his dick as he laid on the table.

"I'm about to cum—I'm about to cum," Derrick moaned out.

At that moment, the chick let go of Derrick's dick, causing it to point up at Derrick's chest and face, as he nutted up his own chest, and into his trimmed beard.

Everyone instantly knew the rule that the chick broke, as they all screamed out, "Party Foul!"

If you're going to start, you have to finish, properly…according to the rules…