Americans are working themselves to death.

July 30, 2018 [WILDLY KRAZY]—It is Monday, and I am supposed to be on vacation this entire week…supposed to be…

However, I never get Mondays off, because my writers have every Monday off, so I am the one that writes all of the news articles for WILD N' KRAZY, and WILDLY KRAZY every Monday.

You see, WILDLY KRAZY writers are also journalists for WILD N' KRAZY, so they have a very tough and demanding job, which is the reason I give them a three day weekend—Saturday through Monday—to spend that time with their families, to masturbate, or whatever the fuck they do.

For KRAZED Industries, Monday is a mandatory day off for workers. In fact, we call it "Mandatory Mondays," because I will not let them work on Mondays.

Personally, Monday has to be the worse day of the week, because I fucking despise Mondays… Monday, for most people, is the reminder that you're stuck at a shitty job for five days, with co-workers that you want to fucking kick in the teeth, because they're fucking annoying, helpless, and lazy fucks. Right?

No? Maybe I am the crazy the one...

Anyways, mark these words, Krazees—one of these days, I will make Monday a fucking holiday.

Christians use Sundays as their day to praise and worship their Zeus, while we, at KRAZED Industries, use Mondays to praise and worship ourselves, doing whatever the fuck we want, while pissing off Zeus.

"Hallelujah! We got through the work-week without killing anyone!"

"Hallelujah! We got through the work-week without telling our boss or customers to go fuck themselves!"

"Hallelujah! I just survived the struggle without the help of a Zeus, because I am a badass fucking human, without a sky boss!"

Well, that is what I say, anyways...

You see, we humans need a weekly day, such as Monday, to do whatever the fuck we want to do, right? Humans need a day to go to hang out with friends, and family, relaxing, because why the fuck not?

Humans, especially Americans, work longer than anyone else in recorded history. In fact, we work longer and harder than slaves did. No shit.

Humans, nowadays, work longer than any other civilization, with less vacation, pay, and in addition, we retire later than our ancestors.

Overworked and over-stressed, humans do not have the time to spend quality time with their families or friends, and that is the prime reason the majority are giving up, and leaving the matrix. I do not blame them, either, because I, too, left the matrix damn near five years ago.

When I got laid off as a steel worker, I went to work for this manufacturing company, right? On my second work-week, I was walking into work, and the supervisor—the lead guy—saw me put my cell phone into my pocket as I walked in to go to work.

"Let me have your cell phone—you can have it after the day is over," he said.

"Go fuck yourself," I said, as I walked out and never returned.

Who the fuck did this guy think he was?

I am no slave, and I do not answer or bow to anyone. Yes, you may think I am out of control, without any respect, and you are right, because I am an individual human that bleeds, breaths, shits and eats just like every other human; therefore, shove your authority up your ass, because you are no different than I am.

That fucker constantly checked, talked and texted on his phone all day during work, but he expected me to hand over my cell, like he was above me? Naw...I do not play the matrix bullshit. As humans, we are all equal, and as such, humans need to lead by an example.

I do not give orders to my employees that I do not follow myself. I do not expect them to do shit I refuse to do. As humans, we are all equally fucked up.

As a fucker from the streets, I have done the 9-5, and I can honestly say, I will never again go back to working as a slave within the matrix.

Admittedly, I never became rich working for another person, because I was always working paycheck to paycheck.

Naturally, now that I am a CEO of six, soon to be seven brands, I am a workaholic—working 18-20 hours a day; 7 days a week—because I love what I do, but before I left the matrix—quitting society to become an entrepreneur, doing what the fuck I want to do—I hated life.

Honestly, learn from my mistakes, Krazees… Growing up, I thought you needed a job and a college education in order to find success and happiness. However, from experience, I can honestly sit here and tell you that society is a lie—it is bullshit!

Speaking from experience, do not chase jobs or money, because you will eventually meet failure. Instead, chase dreams and your passion.

When you look at all great people throughout history, you will quickly understand that they did not, and do not, chase money or fame—fame and money were a bi-product of their addiction. Instead, the greats chased their passions and dreams. As an obsession, the greats, such as Steve Jobs, wanted to create, build, and design something new. For Steve, it was a passion to be different—to standout—and as a result, Steve Jobs never lived within the matrix, but he did earn the fame and money.

Without a doubt, if Steve Jobs did not quit college, leaving the matrix, I would have never owned an Apple iPhone, because they would have never existed.

If Zuckerberg did not quit college, leaving the matrix, I would have miss out on a lot of nude pictures…sadly…

According to new reports, 43% of Millennials—people my age; born between January 1983 and December 1994—plan on leaving their jobs.

Admittedly, it is great to see Millennials as the first generation to finally leave the matrix in a mass exit, because fuck the matrix, right?

Personally, I know over a dozen of people who went to college and are now working in a career that they fucking hate with a passion, even though they are making three-digit paychecks each year—over $100,000 a year in a career that they went to college for.

"If I could go back, I would have chosen a different path," they constantly tell me.

Shockingly, I know even more people who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a college education, and still cannot find a job within in their college-field. Thus, they are barely making above minimum wage, while struggling to pay off their student loan debt.

If you are currently hating life and your job, it is time to quit the matrix and start chasing passions and dreams, because happiness and sanity are, by far, more important than money.

If you want to become an artist, go be a fucking artist.

If you want to become a gamer on YouTube, go be a fucking gamer.

If you want to become an amateur porn star, selling your videos and pictures, then go become a fucking porn star.

Remember, for quality control purposes, I will gladly accept all videos and pictures… Thank you. :)

Happiness and freedom...those are the two, most important things within life. For sure, as a fucker from the street, money does not bring happiness… Trust me… In a heartbeat, I will go back to living on the streets, selling tee shirts and liquor, before I ever go back to working a 9-5, because life was much more simpler, and easier.

Within its current design, the matrix is designed for ultimate production using slave-labor—you—and as a result, it has created a society that is drug-addicted, miserable and depressed, while people continue to struggle—living paycheck to paycheck.

Back in May, I did an article called, "AMERICA: HOME OF THE HOMELESS."

As an investigative journalist, I went around and talked to several homeless people around the Kansas City and Saint Joseph area, and, shockingly, I found that most people were voluntarily homeless, because they refused to play within the matrix.

"No, not really—I mean, on the streets—believe it or not—it is much easier, and a simpler life-style," said 63-year-old and US Army veteran, Chuck.

"Here, on the streets, I don't have to worry about a car payment; don't have to worry about a house payment; and, in all reality, the streets doesn't have rules and laws—I am free to come and go as I please, and I answer to nobody," Chuck continued.

"That's the great thing about the streets: secrets never leave the streets, and there isn't rules to life," Chuck told me.

Of course, we did not use their real names within the article, out of privacy and respect to the individuals that we interviewed.

A few hours later, we met two Millennials—a man and woman—both traveling together from New Jersey to Arizona, where they planned to stay and call home.

During their stop in Saint Joseph, we asked them how they were able to get people to give them rides, and how they were able to obtain money to eat along their nomadic journey. 

"Boobs and a blowjob go a long ways," Sally replied.

"People pay $20 to be able to fondle my boobs, and they pay about $50 to $100 for a blowjob. I have never tried actual sex, or intercourse, but I am sure I can get about $300 to a grand, easily," Sally stated.

"Obtaining money is easy, especially when people are desperate, or when they see a piece of ass that they like and want," she continued.

"Do you, like, go to motels to earn this money," we asked.

"Hell no; it only takes about 30 seconds for most men… I just do it in a parking lot, behind the building, or in their car," Sally stated.

"Men pay for pleasure, and women pleasure for money; humans never change, and the business will never go bankrupt," Sally said, laughing.

"Why should we bust our asses, and slave for scrap money, while barely surviving, when we can live on scraps and see the world, in a life that is less stressful, and more meaningful?," Chris asked.

"I have seen my parents bust their asses off, struggling, and working multiple jobs, while accomplishing and obtaining little. I choose not to be a debt-slave to this society. Life is all about being able to do as you please, without playing by society's rules," Chris continued, as Sally nodded in agreement.

When we asked Chris and Sally if they ever planned to return to society, Sally replied, "Yes—most definitely. This is only temporary, while I am young, but I want to have children and a family some day; but after I have lived a little and seen the world. I want to see the world, and experience life before I settle down and grow old, you know?"

On the other hand, Chris was not so sure, stating, "I don't know—I never really plan anything out. I just…'wing it'—know what I mean? I guess I will see after I get to Europe; who knows, though?"

Derrick, who lives out of his car, said that he has a job, making $11 an hour, but all of his money goes to gas, food, and child-support; he cannot afford to rent or own a home.

"I am struggling out here, for real. I work more than 40 hours a week, but it isn't enough. Gas prices are fucking ridiculous, along with everything else, and the state has me paying a baby momma $180 a week for her to sit on her ho-ass—without a job—while the state pays for her to live in a comfortable home; plus, she supporting a damn $1,000 iPhone, and a new car. All the while, I struggle to buy toilet paper to wipe my ass," Derrick stated.

"The shit is fucked, man—its fucked—and that is why many have given up. It's not worth it; it really isn't. It's my pride, as a man, that keeps me working, and not begging for money; plus my kid, for real. His ho-mommy isn't going to support him, so he need someone…for real."

You see, learn from their mistakes, and learn from mine. You do not have to struggle with money, and you do not have to live on the streets, either.

Talking from experience, it does not matter what you do in life, there is always someone willing to pay you for your services—you just need to hustle, and be creative, while doing a cheaper and better job than your competitor[s].

Before I became an entrepreneur, my credit score was in the 300s, and as a result, I received countless phone calls a day from debt-collectors, because I was in debt to my ears, while I lived within the matrix.

Now, once I left the matrix, paying off all debt, and after I stopped using credit cards, my credit score is excellent in the 800s, and as a result, I receive countless phone calls a day from investors and banks, wanting to throw money at me…

Within my neighborhood, no one, except my wife and I, does a damn thing with their houses, such as mowing grass or home improvements.

Made up of politicians, doctors, college professors, and business owners, everyone in my neighborhood pays someone else to mow their grass, shovel their snow, and do improvements on their houses.

On a given day within my neighborhood, there are about—I shit you not—six to seven different mowing and home improvement companies parked along the street, mowing my neighbors' grass and doing house repairs, because my neighbors refuse to do labor work.

Needing to cut down a small tree limb within arms reaching, one of my neighbors paid a company $800 to remove the limb from a small seedling tree, that took the company all but 10-minutes to do, using a handsaw.

Fuck, if I knew that, I would have gladly cut that fucker off for $500!

Admittedly, and I have been thinking about this very seriously, I am looking at investing money into a lawn care business just for my neighborhood, and paying two 17-year-old kids to run it. In my attempt, I hope to teach them about entrepreneurship, removing them from the matrix, as well.

You see, people will gladly throw money at you if it ensures they do not have to work, or sweat.

Rest assured, none of my neighbors live within the matrix, either.

Do any of you fuckers remember Mike Rucker—professional defensive end for the Carolina Panthers? Anyways, his parents are one of my neighbors, who are also big Missouri politicians. In fact, both of his parents retired as Missouri state representatives, and are now working as local politicians, including the school board. In addition, Martin Rucker, Mike Rucker's younger brother, who I went to school and played football with, left Missouri University [MU] to play with the Dallas Cowboys; now, he is running for the Missouri senate.

On the other hand, my other neighbor owns several, big brand sub sandwich restaurants.

Anyways, for the purpose of understanding, I am like a sore thumb within my neighborhood, because everyone else is walking around in suits and ties, along with kakis and dress shirts, or white coats and scrubs as medical professionals, while I mow my own grass, work outside getting sweaty and dirty in athletic shorts and cut-off, sleeveless shirts.

As a result, my neighbors probably think I am some hoodlum…

I shit you not, when we first moved into the neighborhood, neighbors repeatedly asked my wife and I what we did for a living, beings we own the largest and most expensive house within the neighborhood, at the youngest age—early twenties, at the time.

Just about everyone in my neighborhood has an in-ground pool, with a shit ton of money, and in addition to that, only two black families live within the white-dominate neighborhood; thus, as you can imagine, these people do not like outsiders—those within the matrix—because they think they are above everyone else, generally speaking, from the neighbors I have talked to.

Therefore, the minute they saw us move in, as young kids, especially me, beings I am covered in tattoos, they about lost their shit…ready to sell their houses.

"They keep asking what I do for a living," my wife told me.

"Tell'em you're a fucking drug dealer," I replied back.

One of our neighbors, who we call "nosey neighbor," asked me what I did for a living…

"I worked for the government as a spy, after getting out of the Marine Corps," I told him.

"Like a real spy?" he asked.

"What's the difference between a real and a fake spy?" I asked.

"Like for the CIA?" he asked.

"That's classified," I said, trying not to laugh.

Ever since, the neighbors wave and smile at my wife, but the minute I walk outside, people just stare at me, not waving or saying a fucking word…just how I like it… They quickly stopped asking what I did for a living, though.

I also, twice, told the neighborhood association to go "fuck themselves," and as a result, I am not invited to neighborhood events…just how I like it…

On a given day, I watch these fuckers walking around, door to door, gossiping, trying to find out the latest scoop within the neighborhood.

No shit, my neighborhood feels like I am back in high school. Nevertheless, Halloween is nice around the neighborhood, though, beings just about all the neighborhood wives dress as naughty as they possibly can—wearing skirts and costumes that does not leave much for the imagination.

Understand, attitude and outlook on life builds character, not money or a useless college degree that ensures you'll continue as a debt-slave, working for someone else, for the rest of your life.

Yesterday, my daughter said, "you cannot say anything without offending someone."

"I just offend them," I replied back.

Anyways, if you want to find happiness and success, start focusing on yourself, and fuck the haters, and fuck what society demands, because, currently, society is a fucking cancer.

Without a doubt, you must remove yourself from the drama of social media, while ignoring the religious bullshit, along with the politics and the social justice warriors, and start chasing your dreams and passions, instead. There, I promise, you will find happiness.

Admittedly, speaking from experience, you can have all of the money in the world, but if you hate your career and life, that money does not mean a damn thing. Just take Hollyweird for an example—all the money in the world, and yet, they continue to kill themselves as a result of drugs, depression, and hating life in general.

Leave the matrix, and start living life how you want to live it. Be yourself, and be proud of who you are.

You fuckers have a great day! Maybe I can enjoy vacation now. ;)