Artwork and article by KRAZED, WILDLY KRAZY's CEO. Enjoy, Krazees!

July 17, 2018 [WILDLY KRAZY]—Obviously, since you are reading this journal, you have been able to fight and survive thus far... I wrote this daily journal in hopes you may find it useful, or perhaps—most importantly—find a cure.

I am KRAZED, one of many Freemen and Guardians who have fought and died trying to protect humanity from extinction. This is our story within Maleficus.

"Keep moving!" DUKE screamed, and commanded.

"Bitters to our left!" SIX shouted.



As we sprinted down the city streets and ruins of Athens, Greece, trying to get out of the hot-zone and out of the reach of the uncountable "blood-thirsty demons,” our team engaged targets all around us.

Highly trained and combat experienced, our team consisted of two MARS, eight REAPER, and one CIA agent, along with the agent's "classified" package.

At this point in the journal, we had already used one Hercules to extract the Greek outpost, which left for the United States with Freemen and GUARDIANS aboard, while the last Hercules waited at the 10th GUARDIAN for our return with the CIA agent and the "classified" package.

Now, we just needed to survive and get the fuck out of the hot-zone and back to the outpost where two platoons of MARS secured our flight out of hell.

Strikingly, the hot-zone consisted of a chaotic cluster-fuck of “demons” running among a stampede of fleeing and panicked Greek civilians, along with “friendly” Greek soldiers on every street and alley. Meanwhile, a smorgasbord of satanic feasts took place all around us, intertwining with the stampede of fleeing Greeks, engendered by the infected that chased, brutally attacked, and ate their victims, alive.

All the while, air raid sirens blasted throughout the city, as buildings and houses crumbled and burnt, while Greek attack helicopters flew in the air, engaging unseen targets in the distance. In addition to that, Greek airstrikes and artillery hit many locations within Athens, causing the city to burn. Notably, huge, raging fires within the city caused the sky and city to glow orange and red, while the black, steaming smoke and intense fires heated and scorched the city, causing the temperatures to rise at-least ten degrees hotter.

Meanwhile, random platoons and squads of cut-off Greek soldiers engaged and slaughtered both civilians and “demons” alike—anything that came within their fire-perimeter. Greek government forces were ordered to defended strategic positions and government buildings at all costs, and they did, as they fought to the last man. Therefore, we avoided all known areas with Greek soldiers to avoid a firefight with the crazy-ass Greeks.

Moreover, bloody and gangrenous flesh and puddles of coagulated blood from half-eaten bodies, and bodies riddled and shredded with bullet holes, covered the streets in a gore of unimaginable and indescribable scene. All the while, "demons” ripped, clawed and chewed at their helpless and screaming victims like a swarm of piranhas, while stranded platoons of Greek soldiers fought to the death.

During their attack, "demons" ripped at their victims' stomachs—the easiest and softest way to the vital organs—while using machetes and knives—or any sharp-edged object—to pull out their victims' intestines and liver. Sinners even used their hands and teeth to work their way deeper into the body, thereby all victims quickly consumed in a frenzied feast down to the bone, as dozens of Sinners shared and feasted on a single victim… Admittedly, Sinner's thirst for blood is unimaginable, and indescribable, even for my demented and gory-sex-filled mind.

"Where the fuck are we going? We're running low on ammo—can't stand out here all fucking day!" KID reminded our team, as we fought our way through the streets of Athens with the CIA operative and her "classified" package.

"Head for that restaurant over there, and set up a perimeter behind those cars!" I commanded.

"We have bastards on our six!" FROST informed our team.



Six more chasers fell from our accurate-hell-fire, causing them to hit the ground, hard, with pulverized bodies from cavity wounds, caused by 6.5-Devastator ammunition...

"9 o'clock!" SIX shouted.





While our team ran down the street, a lonely Sinner charged from our left, jumping onto the hood of the car that was between him and us. Consequently, the entire squad lit his ass up, too, shredding his body into Swiss cheese, causing his body to slam down onto the windshield of the car with a loud crash, spider webbing the windshield, and causing the car alarm to blare throughout the city-district.

Thereupon, the car alarm notified the rest of the bastards within the city of our exact location, attracting them like insects to a light bulb, as squeals and screams came from all directions—from all distances—throughout the city. Consequently, the sound of the car alarm and the high-pitched squeals and screams of the “demons” caused the hair on my arms to stand on-end, heightening my senses to the threats all around us, while sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm getting too old for this shit," SPADE said, laughing, as we all fought and ran for our lives.

Unbearably hot, it was a stifling and humid summer night in Athens—in the high nineties—with little to no breeze, whatsoever. Thus, we were all exhausted and drenched in sweat, dirt, and blood, while adrenaline rushed through our bodies, putting us on edge. Undoubtedly, the sweat ran from my back, down into my ass crack, dripping off my balls, as the soles of my feet burnt and stung from the heat and constant running, even though REAPER and MARS operated lightweight, with as little gear and weight needed.

Generally speaking, our situation forced our minds into fast-paced thoughts in order to deal with a new threat that we had never encountered before, as we constantly changed our tactics when we fought the deranged bastards. Assuredly, Sinners were superior to any human soldier that we had ever encountered, and they were relentless, ruthless, and almost indestructible, too.

Nevertheless, our greatest threats were our minds, the constant fighting, and the persistent running, which all three drained our bodies of energy and liquid, as we dehydrated and overheated... I knew the longer we stayed out in the hot-zone, the more our minds would fuck with us, increasing our anxiety, nervousness, and exhaustion, which would, eventually, cause us to make a huge mistake, possibly resulting in the death of a team member.

Even though our minds raced with unimaginable thoughts and visions, engendered by the "demons" that lurked in the city, hunting us, we were, however, well equipped to fight against anything within the city that night. You see, both REAPER and MARS utilized a black plate-carrier, black BDU pants, black hydration packs, black assault packs, black non-slip tactical knee pads, and red baseball caps, while REAPER wore white tee shirts underneath plate carriers.

On the other hand, MARS wore red tee shirts under their black plate carriers, while also wearing a solid red shemagh. The red, black and white colors helped us standout, identify, and separate MARS and REAPER from regular, conventional combat troops, while displaying our missions—Multi-National Air-Rescue and Support [MARS], and Rapid Emergency Air-Paramilitary Extraction and Rescue [REAPER].

I have added modeled pictures of REAPER and MARS operators wearing issued tee shirts, which are worn under their plate-carriers during operations and training. Once again, the logos on the sleeves help identify us and our mission, compared to actual combat troops, who wear camouflage, instead.

REAPER were the fuckers the GUARDIAN program sent in to secure and extract any valuable targets within any nation, at a moments notice, while MARS were highly trained in combat medicine and search and rescue.

Understand, MARS and REAPERS were highly trained to extract wounded troops, refugees, and civilians from combat zones, and-or national disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc. Moreover, MARS were also trained to deal with mass casualties within natural disasters and combat zones, and also trained to deliver humanitarian relief and aid all around the world, such as medical supplies and food, while operating from GUARDIAN Outposts within a moments notice. Therefore, our current mission is exactly what we specialized in, and we had yet to fail a mission.

With that said, though, Sinners were nothing like conventional or trained soldiers, either… Sinners were something much different, and much more dangerous, because they were faster; they did not tire; and they did not feel pain or experience fear, or exhaustion.

You see, if the virus did not kill us, the Sinners would, if we fucked up—guarantee.

Our only option was to continue running, and constantly moving, because movement guaranteed our survival, among "demons."

"Move; move; move!" I commanded.

"We've gotta haul ass out of here! We need to get out of the city ASAP!" DUKE reminded the team.

One by one, we dropped Sinner after Sinner, adding to the body count that stretched as far as the eye could see, as Sinners charged for us like mad-men—fuckers that had zero fear, and felt zero pain—while our bullets ripped through their bodies, like a hot knife through butter. Consequently, our bullets sent dark-red mist, chunking flesh and bone fragments into the air, as a result of our bullets shredding their naked bodies with gaping, bloody holes.

Oblivious to her surroundings, I watched a naked woman lick blood from the streets, while she barked and howled like a fucking hyena during a hunt.

Admittedly, the screaming bastards sent chills down my spine, as I witnessed their behavior, and their craving for human blood and flesh, while they bled from their eyes and mouth, caused by the SIN Virus.

In addition, our team witnessed a Sinner charging with ten to twelve bullets wounds to the body, while bleeding profusely, without pain, fear, or remorse. Therefore, we had to change tactics, and use at-least a five-round burst into the Sinners' chests, aiming for the heart, just to bring down a single Sinner, because, if not, they just kept charging until their heart or brain stopped. In fact, the brain was the quickest kill, because a single bullet to the head dropped the fuckers dead in their tracks.

Notably, our precision shooting did a good job, too, as we used a variety of rifles designed for accuracy, while also designed to penetrate vast amounts of light armor, which were all designed and manufactured by KRAZED Industries, specifically for MARS and REAPER. Therefore, we were able to keep the "demons" at bay, for the most part.

I, along with two other REAPERs, and both MARS, operated the KI-ARES SBR, which is a lightweight modular design, piston-driven, short barrel carbine, cambered in 6.5 Devastator—ammunition designed and developed by KRAZED Industries, specifically for KRAZED Industries' rifles and carbines.

I have included rifle illustrations, designed by our engineers and gun-smiths, into this journal, for your knowledge.

Designed for close-quarters combat, and air-rescue missions for MARS, the KI-ARES SBR is a rugged 23.5-inch long carbine, with a 5.5-inch barrel. In addition, the KI-ARES SBR [Short Barrel Rifle] utilized the THEIA holographic sight, as well, for quick targeting and close-quarters combat.

Meanwhile, one REAPER operated the KI-ARES BR [Battle Rifle], while one operated the KI-ARES DMR [Designated Marksman Rifle], and another operated the KI-HELIOS LMG [Light Machine Gun].

Seven hours ago, the REAPERs and I flew into Athens, Greece, to extract Freemen and Guardians out of the 10th GUARDIAN; and as we started to load equipment and documents onto the last, remaining Hercules, I received a satellite call from the United States Director of National Intelligence.

According to the United States government, they needed the CIA agent and the "classified" package out of Greece, "at all costs"; thus, the government needed our team to locate and extract the CIA operator and the "classified" package from an apartment building where the agent barricaded inside, needing a flight out of Greece.

Apparently, we Guardians were the last, remaining combat-trained Americans within Greece who were able to assist the CIA, as a result of the United States government pulling the majority of its troops and personnel out of Europe, besides small special forces teams scattered across Europe, and those low-level government employees who were considered expendable.

Now, the question remained in my head: why the hell did the government have a single CIA operator in Greece without a fire-team, or a way to extract the agent?

Nevertheless, I agreed to help for a price. After all, nothing in this world is free, especially when I am risking my life and the life of my fellow Guardians to rescue a CIA operator who could not give two fucks about us, or what we do, or what we stood for.

With that said, though, the CIA operator and the "classified" package did guarantee our entry back into the United States, because just two days ago, the United States government quarantined the whole fucking country—shutting down all flights in and out of the United States—except classified military operations, which were designed to combat, understand, and find a cure for the SIN virus, before the virus reached the United States.

Before the CIA gave us a call, asking for our help, all Freemen and Guardians flying out of Greece were headed for the 9th GUARDIAN Outpost, located in Mexico. From there, our plan was to sneak across the Mexican-US border, for the simple fact it required little effort, and easy to pull off. We were Americans looking to sneak back into America, no matter how fucked up the plan sounded.

However, the Director of National Intelligence also guaranteed the Freemen and Guardians safe passage back into the United States, if we helped.

Therefore, for $120,000-dollars, and a way back into the United States, a volunteer team of Guardians and I left the outpost in search for the CIA operator who was waiting on our arrival. You see, it was not our job to know the "classified" package that the CIA escorted, because our job, as Guardians, was to extract the CIA agent and the "classified" package out of the hot-zone, and then radio for an unmarked Black Hawk to extract us.

Under KRAZED Industries, I formed the GUARDIAN program, which owned and maintained twelve GUARDIAN Outposts throughout the world—located in Greece, England, Germany, Japan, and France, Israel, Mexico, Switzerland, Missouri, Texas, Florida, and a private island in the Caribbean.

Designed for humanitarian aid and global rescue for natural disasters and war, the GUARDIAN program and its outposts worked alongside foreign governments, organizations, and militaries; therefore, our connections reached vast amounts of powerful people, and wealth—even people and organizations that did not "officially exist."

Moreover, KRAZED Industries also designed and manufactured military-grade weaponry and combat equipment and gear for governments and militaries, while maintaining a small private army who worked alongside American military forces and other governments' militaries in joint-combat rescue efforts and operations. REAPER, after all, protected some of the world's most powerful leaders, too, along with secret operations to secure and extract high-value targets that sought freedom and peace within war-torn countries and dictatorships.

Thus, most of our work, as Guardians, received classified status. However, we were not a military force that sought bloodshed or war...

Unquestionably, Guardians were a group of highly trained professionals who defended and worked towards peace and freedom across the globe, for everyone, while the world set out to destroy itself through war and slavery. Therefore, many religious extremists, terrorist nations, and dictatorships and Communist nations hated the Guardians, thereby, in certain nations, we were enemies of the state, even among the world's religions and churches.

In the eyes of those who sought absolute power over the people, Freemen and Guardians were a hated group, even among Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and other major religions, because we believed in personal freedom...freedom from governments, religions, and gods.

Nevertheless, KRAZED Industries, at this time, owned two, solid black Lockheed L-100 Hercules, and three, solid black Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk helicopters with the Lion Guardian logo painted in white—all thanks to domestic and foreign government black-budgets that openly and secretly supported our efforts, thereby hiring REAPER and MARS for missions and support efforts.

“If the bitters don’t get us, the fucking artillery barrage and air-strikes will! They’re hitting their own troops and civilians for God’s shakes!” KID shouted, reminding the team of the danger we were in.

“To the Greeks, we’re expendable…. They’re not worried about collateral damage—their main concern is stopping the spread of the virus and infected, and if that means sacrificing friendly troops and civilians to do so, they’re going to do it. Right now, down on the streets and within this city, it’s every man for themselves. Survival is in movement, so keep fuckin’ moving,” I commanded.

“Bitters—dead ahead!” KID shouted.

“HERMES, where the fuck are we going?” I asked, trying to figure out our location within the city, while trying to avoid large, populated areas and highways.

“Go right! Turn right down this side-street!” HERMES shouted, and informed the team.

For this mission, HERMES had the navigation job, as he was the smartest among our group when it came to navigation and scouting; hence, the reason he earned the war-name, "HERMES," among his fellow MARS. In addition to that, HERMES was a Greek citizen, who joined MARS and lived in Athens his entire life.

You see, under tradition, all Martians and Reapers were given war-names after R.E.D training, which stands for Rescue, Extraction, and Defense—the first training any MARS receives—because the GUARDIAN program required war-names to help secure the identities of MARS and REAPER operators, due to the fact their real names were "eliminated" from all paper work within the GUARDIAN program.


As we were running down the street, a large group of Sinners gave chase with machetes and knives, while they were naked and drenched in their victims' blood, forcing our squad to take an immediate right to avoid the medium sized group of “demons” that were charging straight for us.

Meanwhile, JOKER, BLACK, and SMOKE—all three REAPER—covered our fleeing squad, engaging and decimating the charging bitters.

Understand, when Sinners attack—when they move through a location—they spread like locusts, eradicating and devouring everything in sight, until the area is devoid of food. Consequently, after all food is devoured in an area, Sinners will move on to find fresh food, thereby the destructive cycle continues, until Sinners rule and dominate, forcing humanity closer and closer to extinction.

For this reason, European governments and military fell within hours from the virus, and above all, governments had zero clues what the fuck was going on, except for the fact that it was an unknown virus spreading across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. China, however, was the first government to fall...and possibly ground-zero for the virus…as China was the first nation to report the virus, after the Communist nation could no longer keep the virus a secret.

At first, the Chinese government sent in specialized teams to cover up and keep the SIN Virus quarantined, until the virus spread too fast, engendering mass casualties that were impossible to hide or explain.

"Give me a perimeter around this building!" I command.

"Roger that!" DUKE responded.

With our backs to the side of a large building, while using parked cars along the street as cover, the squad encircled HERMES—setting up a fire-perimeter—so HERMES could relay the coordinates for an evac out of hell.

"Viper 6, Viper 6, this is Suicide Actual! Chaos! Chaos! Acknowledge, Viper 6! Over! I say again! Suicide Actual to Viper 6! Chaos! Chaos! Acknowledge, Viper 6; over!" HERMES blurted across the radio.

"Viper 6; go ahead, Suicide Actual; over," Viper 6 responded.

"Suicide Actual; requesting immediate evac! We have lunatics crawling up our asses! Break!" HERMES shouted across the radio.

"Suicide Actual; requesting immediate evac at said grid: Tree, Fower, Sierra, Foxtrot, Golf, Too, Seven, Too, Fower, Tree, Zulu, Fower, Zulu, Tree, Too! I repeat! Said grid: Tree, Fower, Sierra, Foxtrot, Golf, Too, Seven, Too, Fower, Tree, Zulu, Fower, Zulu, Tree, Too! Break!" HERMES shouted, giving the coordinates to the CIA pilot, while we protected and escorted their female agent with the classified package.

Strikingly beautiful, the CIA agent was a female in her early to mid-30s, and, it appeared, she was an Asian-American with brown eyes, and long, brown hair, while dominating with a petite, athletic body. With her hair pulled back into a ponytail, she wore black leggings, black and white tennis shoes, a plain, blue tee shirt, and a coyote-tan backpack, which I assumed carried the classified package.

In addition to her beauty, she seemed quiet and reserved, and of course, very mysterious, too—making little eye contact, and zero emotions. Not only that, but also her style, demeanor and body language suggested she had a feisty, bitching attitude if she needed.

However, with all of that bitchy-bad-ass-style, she merely carried a Glock handgun when we found her; thus, I handed her a KI-Spartan SMG, which is a 22.5 inch-long, selective-fire, short-stroke gas-piston sub machine gun, cambered in .45 ACP, utilizing 30-round magazines.

Deriving a conclusion, the CIA agent was indeed Chinese-American, and more than likely fluent in Chinese, which meant she just arrived in Greece from China, bringing back Intel that the United States government deemed classified. After all, China reported the first case of the virus; thus, as far as anyone knew, China was ground-zero for the SIN virus.

It was a guess, but a damn good guess, in my opinion.

However, as far as sex goes, I would have definitely fucked the shit out of the sexy CIA Asian, without questions…and possibly, licking her butt-hole in the process.

"Suicide Actual; LZ will be marked with IR strobe! LZ will be hot! I repeat: LZ marked with IR strobe, and LZ will be hot! Over!" HERMES shouted over the radio, warning and informing Viper 6.

"Viper 6; roger that, Suicide One; ETA 25-Mikes; over," Viper 6 replied.

"Suicide Actual; roger that, Viper 6! Out!" HERMES replied.

Hopefully, the Black Hawk was to land in an open field, picking us up and taking us back to the 10th GUARDIAN, while the CIA operator stayed onboard the Black Hawk, flying to an undisclosed location with the classified package.





While kneeling behind parked cars, our squad fired into a charging crowd of Sinners, as they engaged our fire-perimeter head-on.

Obliterating their infected, nude bodies, countless Sinners fell from our squad's rifle, sub-machine gun, and light machine gun fire—shredding and decimating Sinner bodies into pulverized meat. As a result, Sinner heads violently exploded from the bullet's destructive force—sending dark-red mist, skull fragments and chunky gore into the air—while their bodies staggered, twitched, and jerked from bullets riddling their bodies with large-gaping-entrance and exit wounds.

Traveling at 3010 feet-per-second, and a ballistic coefficient of .450, the 120-grain, polymer tipped 6.5 Devastator round is hard-hitting, and deep-penetrating, while delivering consistent, precision and pinpoint accuracy at 600-yards and beyond. Utilizing a copper-zinc alloy, the monolithic 6.5 Devastator rips through flesh, and punches through bone.

"25-Mikes until Evac arrives!" I informed the team.

"I don't know if we can hold off that long!" SPADED shouted.

"We gotta keep moving! We need to haul ass to the LZ! We're wasting time and precious ammo sitting here!" DUKE reminded the team.

"Which way do we go?! We have biters all around us!" SPADE shouted, informing the team of our cluster-fucked situation.

"Hold fast—HERMES and I will check the map and plot a new course!" I commanded, trying to figure out the fastest route to our LZ, as our original route went to shit, due to the large horde that charged for us.




Covering the ground around our fire-perimeter with spent-casings, bodies of the lunatics piled on top of each other, strewed across the street, sidewalk, and the open field right in front of the restaurant, covering the streets and grass in blood, flesh, and gore.

"Come on, mother fuckers! Come on! Is that all you got?!" JOKER shouted, as he decimated large groups with his HELIOS light machine gun.

Built on the same ARES modular design, the KI-HELIOS LMG is a rugged open-bolt, gas operated, 600-round-belt-fed, light machine gun, designed for infantry-level fire support. Chambered for the 6.5mm, HELIOS has a fire-rate of 800-rounds per minute, with a changeable barrel, and over-all length of 37.5-inches, while weighing 14.5 lbs.

"Fuck! No more ammo! Does anyone have a fresh mag?!" SMOKE shouted and asked.

"Here, sweet-cheeks—put it to good use!" SIX shouted, sliding the 30-round magazine across the sidewalk, over to SMOKE.

"More coming from the left!" SMOKE shouted, informing the team, as he racked a round into the chamber.

"Support left!" SPADE shouted.





While screaming and squealing, large groups of Sinners fearlessly charged head-on with our squad, dropping one by one from our precise firepower.

Sprinting fast and furiously towards our team, Sinner bodies went limp after our bullets struck their chest and heads, causing their bodies to smack hard against the concrete road with extreme momentum, and then bouncing and rolling a good 10-feet, until their bodies came to a rest-point.

All the while, SPADE engendered dust clouds within the charging group, caused by bullets ripping through Sinners, striking the ground and concrete behind their shredded bodies.

Using the KI-ARES BR, SPADE carried three, 100-round drum magazines—two in his assault pack; one seated in the magazine well—thus, SPADE mercilessly devastated Sinner bodies with a steady bombardment of bullets.

Undoubtedly, the KI-ARES BR is a rugged 36-inch long piston-driven carbine, designed using the same lightweight ARES modular design, which features an angled, ergonomic pistol grip, adjustable butt stock, patent rail system, flip front and rear iron sights, a magazine well that is designed with a "battle grip," while cambered in 6.5mm. Furthermore, the ARES BR also utilized the same THEIA holographic sight, and a standard issued 100-round drum magazine, designed for suppressive fire.

As HERMES and I quickly plotted a route to reach our evac point, sweat rolled off my face and onto the plastic laminated map, while HERMES' hands shook from intense adrenaline and stress.

"Frag out!" BLACK shouted, warning the team.


With an unmistakable sound, the grenade bounced and then rolled into the feet of the charging horde, exploding about 30-yards from our perimeter. Meanwhile, the team ducked behind cars, as the shrapnel shredded Sinner bodies, flinging bloody chunks of flesh, teeth, bone fragments, intestines, and organs on top of the cars that we knelt behind.

"Hey, ass wipe—how about throwing it further next time! You sprayed ass and dick all over me and my rifle..." KID shouted, informing BLACK of his fuck up.

"From what I hear, that's what'chya like.... I was just doing you a favor," BLACK replied, being a smart ass.

"Funny....ass wipe... Fucking jigaboo…" KID replied.

"Easy, chica salvaje—you can wipe that shit off your delicate skin once we get back....butter cup," BLACK replied.

"I wouldn't have to wipe shit off if your bitch ass knew how to throw a grenade," KID said.

"Sissy-bitches, can you please shut the fuck up... You're making my head hurt from your bitching and moaning," DUKE said.





Undeterred, more and more Sinners rushed our perimeter, draining our already low ammo count, rattling our nerves.

Furthermore, trying to plot a course through a ravaged and desecrated city, with demonic fuckers out to eat our ass, was proving to be a difficult and frustrating task. Frustratingly, every route I chose, HERMES quickly disagreed with me, too…

“Let’s go down this street; right here!” I suggested, pointing at the map.

“No, no, mate! Very bad move! Very bad! High traffic—very high populated—many, many infected would be down that road…” HERMES informed me, in broken English.

“Look around—they’re fucking everywhere! Every street is going to be covered with these cocksuckers… Which way, HERMES? You’re the Greek-navigator here, son. Choose a path and get us the fuck out of here. I don’t care which path; just choose a path that’ll quickly get us to the evac—I’ll worry about the bitters as they come,” I informed HERMES.

As an expert, HERMES worked as our translator and Guardian informant within Greece, who joined MARS when he was 17-years-old, because "he wanted to change the world," according to him.

At the age of 22, HERMES was a young-lean-muscular man, but very wise for his age, as he was reserved and quiet—intelligent and intellectual—somewhat of a diplomat... With an impressive figure, HERMAS also had green eyes, light-brown hair, and stood about six-feet in height, weighing about one hundred-eighty pounds, engendering an attractive and desirable man among women.

Dominating with a Greek name, HERMES' real name was Dimitris Karras, and he proved very valuable during this operation... Thank god, he was our Martian.

"More coming from the right!" SIX informed the team.

"Support right!" SMOKE commanded.

"Hold onto your panties, son—I got'em!" JOKER replied.


While squealing and screaming—sounding like hyenas—countless Sinners fell from JOKER's light machine gun, as their bodies exploded and disintegrated into red-mist.

JOKER's well-placed bullets penetrated one Sinner and continued on through another—killing two Sinners with one bullet—while then hitting cars, buildings, street signs, and everything else that was directly behind the slaughtered Sinners, causing glass, metal, brick and concrete shards and pieces to fly into the air.

Thus, cars, buildings, and every other inanimate object looked like Swiss cheese from all of the bullets that JOKER had sent down range, which had riddled and shredded the environment with cavernous holes and craters.

"Fuck ya! Fuck ya!" JOKER shouted, as he slaughtered groups of charging Sinners.

Shockingly, our situation reminded of a stampede of wildebeest that were fleeing a pack of hungry hyenas, as people lay on the streets screaming, yelling, and held-down by a group of screaming-lunatics. As a result, the victims bled and ripped apart and eaten alive by belligerent and cannibalistic psychopaths. All the while, we, the lions, fought and kept the hyenas at bay.

It was total pandemonium, too, as people ran in all directions—all around our squad—while lunatics and the deranged tackled people to the ground like a hyena bringing down its prey.

Moreover, Sinners sat strewed throughout the city streets—damn near right in front of us—furiously ripping and feasting on people that could only scream and moan, until the victims slowly bled to death or died from shock. We watched as people screamed and moaned—screaming for help—as Sinners ate them alive, while we did nothing, because we only fired at the Sinners that charged our fire-position, in order to help keep a low profile—not wanting to attract more attention to our team.

As Sinners ravaged Athens, they left behind human carcasses and carnage in their bloody-destructive path...a fucking blood bath that resembled hell. It was a massacre and a genocide of the human species...engendered by "demons."

"Where the fuck do they keep coming from?!" SPADE asked, frantically.

"I can't tell friend from foe until they're right on top of us... Who the fuck do we shoot?" SMOKE asked.

"Aim for the naked ones—they're the bitters!" SIX informed SMOKE.

"They're all cluster-fucked into a big ass orgy, though! It's almost impossible not to hit fleeing people," SMOKE reminded SIX.



"Fuck that! It's open season! If it moves, shoot it! Let God sort'em out! He's the judge and we're the enforcers!" JOKER informed the team, as he had fun, and enjoyed his job.





"Fuck you! Get fucked!” JOKER screamed, as he mutilated countless more with hell-fire from his light machine gun.

During this point in the operation, it was 02:00; thus, the darkness made things even worse, because the darkness made it very difficult to distinguish friend from foe within the large mobs of frightened Greeks and chasing Sinners, until the nude-lunatics were right on top of us, drenched in blood.

Furthermore, seeing naked-deranged people drenched in blood with machetes and knives, while attacking and eating people, was just surreal and confusing all together, which fucked with our minds and concentration, as well.

Understand, once the Sinners were on top of us, the only clear-distinguishable difference between human and "demon," was the fact that the "demons" refused to wear clothing... For some odd reason, the bastards were completely naked, and that is how we judged friend from foe.

Nevertheless, it was still almost impossible not to hit humans in the process of engaging the deranged, as there were just too many people and Sinners grouped a cluster-fucked, cannibalistic orgy...resembling a slaughter house.

Entangled, intermixed, and scattered throughout the fleeing mob, Sinners acted like wild, bloodthirsty beasts, as they ran and attacked their victims among the stampede of terrified people. Thus, it was survival of the fittest—kill or be killed—which is the only rule during chaos, and it was the only rule we followed that night...

During survival mode, or when your life is on the line, all that hippy-utopia bullshit of love, peace, and tranquility quickly flies out the fucking window. Ordinarily, the hypothalamus part of the brain forces the body, instinctively, into survival mode, injecting massive amounts of adrenaline into the bloodstream, causing the heart to race and pound, impetuously pumping blood throughout the body and into the muscles.

In addition, the mind races, causing the body's awareness, sight, and impulses to intensify. As a result, the fight or flight then dominates the mind and the body, telling the mind and the body to either stand and fight, or run and get the fuck out of the way, while giving the body the ability of hysterical strength and speed. Therefore, humans become stronger and faster, and deadlier and more dangerous during heightened senses of fight or flight, which, in my opinion, had something to do with the Sinner's incredible, super-human-like speed and strength.

Designed to survive severe situations and conditions, humans are instinctively survivalists, because humans are hard-wired to fight, kill, and hunt—becoming brutal and ferrous animals when we have to be—at all costs. Perhaps, the SIN Virus, somehow, turned humans back into their primitive state and behavior, with a craving for flesh and blood.

At this point, I have not a fucking clue, but I do know Mother Nature is a beautiful and chaotic bitch, with a reputation of causing species extinction...

With death literally encircled around us, we did not give a damn or think twice about killing. Thus, we were in survival mode—anything deemed threatening, died—because it was lions against hyenas. Therefore, we were ensuring the pride survived...

"Dozen more to our right!" SMOKE shouted, informing the team.





Fearlessly, dozens upon dozens of Sinners kept charging our fire-perimeter, as nothing scared or slowed them down until their last breath exhausted from their lungs.

Sprinting from all angles and directions, Sinners kept tripping and jumping over the heaping piles of riddled-bloody bodies from fallen Sinners, trying to reach our squad, unsuccessfully.

Finally, after minutes of bitching and moaning between the two of us, HERMES and I plotted a course for the squad.

"Down this alley! We'll cut through here and jet straight for the LZ! It's a straight shot!" I commanded, and informed the team.

"Move your asses—let's go!" DUKE commanded the team.

"Damn, I was just starting to have fun, too..." JOKER said, with a grin.

Earlier that day, at 15:19, Greek forces began door-to-door searches after several infected victims rushed to the hospital, sick and dying. Therefore, trying to combat and prevent the virus from spreading, the Greek government forces quarantined the hospital, while gathering and removing infected victims from their homes before they died, or turned into Sinners.

Notably, the majority of infected, however, died from complications engendered from the SIN Virus; thus, Greek soldiers stacked the bodies onto military transport trucks, and along the sidewalks in front of the victims' houses, as the sun and heat boiled the skin of the dead, engendering an indescribable smell of rotten and decaying flesh within many districts throughout Athens.

At 20:30, a few miles outside of Athens, when the sun was damn near below the horizon, our team engaged the first Sinner at the 10th GUARDIAN Outpost. We then notified the Greek government, sending pictures to prove the claim. Within 10-minutes, Greek forces arrived at the outpost, retrieving the body.

At about 20:50, REAPER and MARS were operating inside Athens, evacuating US government officials and civilians out of Greece. By that point, Athens police reported large groups of "terrorists with knives and machetes attacking local citizens."

Eventually, however, after an hour of fighting, we made our way out of the city with the last, remaining Americans.

Consequently, the Americans, along with twelve MARS operators, nine Freemen—plus gear and supplies—left the 10th GUARDIAN with the first Hercules plane. Although unsurprising, it is, however, truly fucked up how the American government considered those American officials and civilians expendable—leaving them behind to die—all because they were considered low-value, interns and aides.

Nevertheless, after they found out they were on their own, without any type of help from their own government, the remaining Americans within Athens asked and pleaded for our help, so we provided an escort and a flight out of hell.

Just days before, our Intel—hell, the whole world—knew little about the spreading virus before REAPER arrived in Europe to help MARS evacuate the GUARDIAN Outposts.

Even though limited Intel leaked from China about the virus, we did not, however, expect the virus to become a pandemic, so fast... At first, the virus seemed only an isolated incident, beings China was the only country known to have infected people... As I said, we knew little about the virus, or the seriousness of the virus, because China kept it concealed from the world, for months, at-least, so I figured we would have at-least a few days to evacuate personnel from Greece, without any trouble.

Nevertheless, unexpectedly, after a few months of the world discovering and learning about the virus, China went dark... Shockingly, there were zero signs of what was actually going on inside the secretive and war-torn nation. Admittedly, though, we should have paid attention to the subtle signs when China began ordering troops back into the country—a slow withdraw—while Russia and Mongolia began closing their borders with China, and sending reconnaissance planes over Chinese territory...

Japanese Intel also believed that North Korean troops sealed the border along China, while sending in Korean armored and infantry divisions into China, as North Korea pulled its troops out of South Korea to combat the virus on its border with China.

After a few weeks of Russia securing its borders, there were zero troop movement, reinforcements, manufacturing, resupplies, trade activity or radio chatter from China, just a month prior to our arrival into Europe.

Notably, the virus appeared around the same time as the American-Chinese war, the Great War, as Chinese soldiers were literally stranded in occupied territory without supplies, reinforcements and communication from their own government, forcing Chinese soldiers to surrender to native forces by the millions.

Captured by Australian, American, and Japanese forces in the Philippines, Chinese captains and generals spoke of a virus that was rampaging throughout their country...

Remarkably, the Chinese military leaders spoke of a virus that made "everyone go mad," causing the infected to "attack and devour people." At first, it was almost unbelievable…

A day after we arrived in Greece, Russia began pulling back its forces from Europe to combat the virus that had entered their country. You see, Russia, Turkey, and several Muslim nations allied with China during the Great War, against the United States and Europe. Thus, consequently, China, Russia and several Middle Eastern nations sent forces into Germany, Poland, Israel, and the Balkan nations.

In all honesty, the virus is what helped bring the war to a sudden halt. However, the virus only made things ten-times worse, after the virus, at this point, killed an estimated hundreds of millions, compared to the estimated tens of millions that had already died as a result of the Great War.

Just a day earlier, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan governments released their first virus reports within their countries after many carcasses were found in nearby villages and mountain ranges, and after many military bases came under attack from Sinners.

At the time, REAPER and MARS had several teams inside of Israel, Germany, France, and Switzerland, fighting against the invading armies; however, the virus continued to spread throughout the ranks of allied and enemy troops, alike, within Europe. Therefore, I gave the order to evacuate and pull out of Europe, entirely, six days before we landed in Greece. Shortly afterwards, I received a tip that the United States government was pulling its forces out of Europe and Greece, too.

Helping American and European allies against Chinese, Russian, and Muslim invading troops, Greece, too, participated in the Great War, as they sent forces into Turkey and into Europe, while MARS assisted the Greeks with medical-evacuations and rescue missions; therefore, Greek forces were scattered throughout the region, creating a cluster-fuck for home-defense against the SIN Virus and its Sinners.

At 24:00, the CIA made contact, asking for Guardian help, and by this point, the Greek government had collapsed within Athens, as the police and military were wiped out, except small pockets of resistance.

"Let's go! Keep moving!" DUKE shouted.

"I'm on my last magazine... We're fucked for ammo, man." SPADE warned DUKE.

"Resort to your blade when you have to.... We're damn near to the evac…just a few Mikes away..." I informed SPADE.


While ensuring the CIA agent stayed right on my ass—beings I was responsible for her life—our squad dropped countless Sinners that seemed to come out of nowhere, as they screamed with gnashing teeth, while charging with machetes and knives.

"I still don't think that'll be enough... These fucks are everywhere." SPADE informed me.

"HERMES, how much longer, my friend?" I asked.

"Not far, mate—maybe 2-Mikes, tops," HERMES said, as he reassured us through his calmness of broken English and a Greek accent.

"A couple feasting-biters up ahead," SMOKE informed the team.


"Not anymore..." FROST said, with a grin, as KID and FROST fist-pounded in agreement.

As we ran down several alleys, we randomly came across feasting Sinners alongside or in the middle of the alley, who knelt down and hunched over screaming, moaning, and half-eaten people, as the bastards cut and ripped at their victims' flesh. Notably, while the Sinners feasted, they paid zero attention to our squad.

Shockingly, I witnessed one man getting his face and stomach eaten by two Sinners, as the poor bastard squirmed on the ground, moaning, and kicking his feet, unable to break free from the Sinners' grips.

As we ran by, within feet of the feasting Sinners, some of our squad-mates took single-pop shots at Sinner heads, splattering brain matter all over concrete walls, buildings, and the roads, causing their limped bodies to slump over their meal.

"There's a main road coming up ahead... After we cross that road, we will come to the last alley before hitting the open field that leads to our LZ... We must stay in the alley to avoid the Sinners, because all the Sinners have congregated on the main roads; however, to get to the LZ, we do have to cross that main road, first," HERMES informed me, as we jogged down the alley.

"Roger that. Good work," I replied to HERMES, as my lungs started to burn from all of the running…

Fuck, I am getting old…ish…

DUKE, being the point man, threw up his left fist, commanding the squad to halt their movement and set up a fire-perimeter.

Finally, we had come to the end of the alley, pitting us against the infested main street we had to cross to get to the other side to the final alleyway. Quietly, our squad strategically knelt down in a squad column, providing excellent lateral dispersion, control, and maneuver, while trying to keep a low profile...

Meanwhile, our rifles were at the low-ready, while our instincts took over, as we listened and looked for any sight of movement or threat.

Like a badass operator, DUKE gave the hand signal to KID to take point while he ran back to inform me and HERMES of our situation.

"What's the sitrep?" I asked?

"A fucking horde, man... They're everywhere—feasting, fucking—you name it... The streets are littered with cars, though. If we move fast enough between those cars, keeping the cars between them and us, we should be fine for cover... We're just going to have to haul ass across, and hopefully we can make it to the field in one piece," DUKE stated.

"That's the part I'm dreading... That field is going to be a bitch to defend until our evac arrives..." SPADE said, informing our team of our fucked-situation.

"Ya, I hear ya on that part.... Ammo—how much do you guys have left? I know SPADE is damn near out. I have two mags left—not counting the one seated," I told the team.

"I have three left, not counting the seated one," DUKE informed me.

"Kill—we need to disperse fresh magazines evenly throughout the squad before we jump into the hornet's nest... We can't afford anyone running out of ammo while we're out there with countless charging at us," I said.

"Kill. We gotta hurry and make this shit fast, though. 13-Mikes until evac arrives," DUKE said, informing me of the time.

"Roger that. Let's make this shit happen. JOKER…." I said.

"Did you rattle the chain?" JOKER asked.

"Keep “Peace Maker” red-hot..." I commanded JOKER, with a grin.

"Peace Maker is always ready to spread some love," JOKER replied, with a grin.

"Kill'em with kindness..." I replied.

"Wilco," JOKER replied.

JOKER's HELIOS LMG, or "Peace Maker," as he called it, was the only thing that saved our asses, because his suppressive fire kept Sinners from overrunning our fire-positions.

"Peace Maker" was a force multiplier—enabling the squad suppressive firepower—about the same firepower as twelve rifles—and JOKER's favorite weapon of choice, because it was so damn destructive and deadly.

Generally speaking, JOKER loved his job, and he was the best at what he did. In fact, he was very accurate and precise with any machine gun he touched, because he knew everything there was to know about any machine gun, and he constantly trained, just about every day.

Undoubtedly, JOKER could break down his machine gun, and put it back together in seconds. Obviously, JOKER is the best damn machine gunner I have ever seen. Admittedly, though, the bastard was psychotic...very psychotic... However, then again, what type of person that voluntarily goes and fights to kill other people isn't a little touched in the head?

Oblivious to sentiments and emotions, JOKER knew how to control his demons from haunting his mind, too, as his job never bothered him, which is always a good thing when killing is your profession, because it takes a different type of person—a different breed—to kill and then switch off the killer-instincts while in the civilian world…away from the job.

Obviously, he was a professional, trained killer; thus, if I needed something dead or exterminated, JOKER was the man for the job. If he wanted you dead, you were going to die... Undoubtedly, JOKER loved his job—he loved to kill—because he loved the thrill and the excitement of fighting, and he was the best at it... JOKER was also one of the original Freemen.

"Stay right on my ass; if you get separated, yell for help. Do you understand?" I asked the CIA agent.

"This isn't my first rodeo; I'm good to go," the CIA agent blurted out, with confidence.

"Then why the fuck did you call for our help?" I asked the agent, before turning around, not wanting to hear an answer.

Anxiously, DUKE gave the hand signal to press on through the hordes that awaited us... After seating a fresh magazine, and racking a round into the chamber, everyone stood up on their feet, positioning their rifles at the low-ready, while indexing their finger over the trigger guard.

Now, we were ready to charge into hell...

Just as we took off running—headed for our evac coordinates—four lunatics bummed rushed our fleeing squad from a small restaurant by jumping through the windows, pulverizing the glass, sending fractured-shards throughout the air, tackling FROST to the ground... Before anyone could react, the Sinner started violently ripping at FROST's neck, as blood squirted, and gushed all over the ground.

Violently, the Sinner shook and ripped flesh from FROST's neck like a pit bull shaking a stuffed toy, while blood splattered and smeared all over FROST and the attacking Sinner, covering them both in blood and gore. Strikingly, Sinners are too damn quick and strong for a normal man to fight, bare-handed.

Turning their attention to us, the other three Sinners charged for the rest of our team, before our squad neutralized them into riddled, pulverized meat.

At the age of 35, FROST was a REAPER, and among the first Freemen, within the elite team. FROST was also a father of two little girls, and after his death, the first within the GUARDIAN program, this mission became the deadliest and most costly operation in the program's history.

Quiet and reserved, FROST was built like an Olympic sprinter...dominating with a lean-muscular build, with black hair, and streaked with gray-salty hairs. He, like every other REAPER, also wore a neatly trimmed beard, as well. Laid-back, easy-going, and cool as hell, FROST received his call-sign based on his calm personality.

"Fuck! FROST! The bastards have FROST!" SMOKE shouted, informing the team.

While the Sinner ripped and tore flesh from FROST's neck, KID ran behind the Sinner, hitting the bastard in the back of the head, six times with his Tomahawk, causing the Sinner's eyes to roll into the back of his head, as blood oozed from the Sinner's mouth and all over the Sinner's chest, hands, and face.

After removing the Tomahawk from the Sinner's gaped-head, long strings of shredded brain matter, goo, and gore stretched from the shattered skull to the Tomahawk, until KID wiped the gore off the blade, using his BDU pants.

Releasing its grip, the Sinner's putrid body went limp, laying over on top of FROST.

Angrily, KID then kicked the Sinner off FROST, rolling the Sinner's body over on the ground and onto its back. Motionlessly, the Sinner laid on his back with his eyes bugged out and his jaw wide open. Moments later, the Sinner lost all control of his bowl movements, releasing shit, feces, and piss excrement all over the ground, leaving behind a strong-foul smell of ammonia, and stale piss.

Profusely bleeding, FROST's neck gaped apart, causing blood to gush and flow all over him and the ground, as he squirmed and kicked. In addition, his eyes popped wide open, while his face and skin turned pale and blanched from blood loss and lack of oxygen. Consequently, the dreaded death rattle ensued, caused by accumulation of blood and saliva pooling in his throat, making it difficult for him to breathe and swallow. Struggling for oxygen, his breathing sounded like a gargle, crackling noise, as he then went into Cheynes-Stokes Respiration, which is a rhythm of abnormal breathing of absent breathes and then sudden-rapid breathing. Obviously, it was a sure sign that his brain and heart were failing from lack of oxygen. Admittedly, FROST was truly in pain, as he was slowly dying...

"SIX!" KID screamed.

Frantically, KID screamed for SIX to come and help FROST, while the rest of us sat up a perimeter.

For clarification purposes, SIX was a Martian—part of MARS—thus, he had extensive training in combat medicine, and over a decade of experience in dealing with the worst of combat injuries. However, even FROST's wound was beyond his expertise...

Even though SIX knew FROST's fate, he tried to keep FROST calm and comfortable, while trying to stop the bleeding, and shooting him up, twice, with morphine. Nevertheless, FROST gripped SIX by his upper arms and shook his head, no... Choking on blood and gasping for air, even FROST knew he was fucked... Nodding, SIX and FROST both knew what needed done...what should be done...

From a distance, as SIX moved away, DUKE fired a pop-shot from his KI-ARES-SBR, finishing FROST off with a 6.5x55mm to the head, quickly putting him down and out of his misery, without FROST ever seeing the shooter...

"I hope you fuckers would do the same for me," DUKE said, as he knelt down and grabbed FROST's Tomahawk and Kukri machete, while saying a quick prayer and a last goodbye.

Every REAPER received a Tomahawk and Kukri with their call-sign engraved into them upon graduating from REAPER STRESS [Security Tactics, Rescue, Evacuation, Sabotage, Survival] training. Therefore, it was tradition to bury or cremate a fallen brother with his rifle, Tomahawk, and Kukri...

Sorrowfully, DUKE laid the rifle, Tomahawk, and Kukri across FROST's chest, and then quickly popped a thermite grenade between FROST's legs. Within seconds, FROST's body caught fire, and engulfed into flames.


Seconds later, as FROST's body burnt in the alley, SPADE, SIX and SMOKE dropped two more chargers with their carbines, as the Sinners ran from the back exit of the restaurant—rushing and sprinting down the alley towards our team.

Hitting hard on the ground, the Sinners' limp bodies bounced and rolled across the ground from the momentum of their speed, until they came to a resting point, letting out one last breath.

"Let's get the fuck out of here!" SMOKE insisted.


Pissed off and tired, we ran down backstreets, alleys, and even through buildings and houses, trying to avoid and outmaneuver the hordes of lunatics that chased after us. Working with haste and rapidity, we quickly and imprecisely point-shot Sinners, giving up accuracy for speed and maneuver. As a result, as we ran for our lives, we mostly wounded the majority of Sinners, instead of killing, but our strategy worked, because the wounded still fell to the ground, providing us enough distance to avoid their grasp.

"3 o'clock!" SIX yelled, warning the team.

"Last mag!" KID yelled, informing the team, as we damn near sprinted.

"Keep moving! No time to stop!" DUKE shouted, commanding the team.


Swiftly, we continued to push through the carnage, leaving behind a destructive path of dead and wounded Sinners, as we sprinted for the LZ.

Even while wounded and dying from blood loss, the crazy bastards continued to squeal and crawl after us, while other Sinners continued on foot, giving chase.

"HORDE!" SMOKE yelled in terror, warning the team.

Almost causing our hearts to stop beating, hundreds of the screaming bastards appeared out of nowhere, as they charged and blocked our path to the LZ.

Meanwhile, I could see the terror on the CIA agent's face, as she stayed right on my ass, taking pop-shots into the Sinner horde; and when I say horde, I am estimating at-least 100 to 160 Sinners charging at us, screaming.





Saving our asses once again, JOKER sent hell-fire into the horde, decimating and shredding limbs from bodies, with organs bursting and oozing from their stomachs.

Shocked and horrified, I witnessed one Sinner staggering around with her intestines falling out of her gaping stomach, while her tits flopped back and forth, as flesh from her right leg hung, partially revealing her leg bone. Thus, after erasing the terror from my mind, I placed two, accurate, center shots into her chest, finishing the bitch off, sending her onto her back, where she belonged.


Thankfully, JOKER continued picking off groups of Sinners within the horde with his light machine gun, creating a large cloud of red-mist, as blood and flesh chunks flew into the air—damn near leveling and finishing off the entire horde.

"Take a right! We'll go the back way!" I shouted, informing the team of a half-ass, last minute plan.

As we were ran down the street—dropping bitches and bastards left and right along the way—I saw a small boy sitting on the ground, about three hundred yards from our LZ, crying and holding the right side of his face, as blood dripped and ran through his fingertips, away from the area of his right eye.

Strikingly, Sinners encircled the small boy, as they sat on the ground, feasting on screaming and slowly dying people. Therefore, I abruptly did a V-line for the small boy, because I could not just turn my head and pretend I did not see him sitting there. Admittedly, the small boy reminded me of my own daughter and son... Moreover, he was no older than 3-years-of-age.

In all honesty, I could not give two fucks about these adults dying all around me, but when it comes to children and Freemen, I will move mountains just to save them. After all, children are the future. If we were to have a future, as a species, every life of a child counted.

"Continue pushing for the LZ! I'll catch up!" I said, commanding the team, forgetting about the CIA agent and our mission.

"What the fuck you doing?!" DUKE shouted, and asked.

"Just go!" I shouted, and commanded.

As I ran for the small boy, DUKE continued with the squad to the LZ, while SMOKE and SIX ran after me, covering my foolish ass.


I dropped a rushing Sinner as he charged, after my shots landed into his chest, and one into his neck, sprinkling the air with red-mist.


With skilled-precision, SIX and SMOKE dropped another Sinner about 20-feet away from us, as I knelt down in front of the small boy.

"Hey, it's okay.... Stay calm and SIX will have you fixed up in no time—he's a Martian... He'll fix your eye... What's your name, son? Can you understand me?" I asked the small boy, as I tried to catch my breath, while my heart raced with adrenaline.

Shaking from fear and terror, the small boy looked up at me, crying and speaking in Greek... Unfortunately, the boy could not understand my language, and I could not understand his. Fucking language barriers... Where the fuck was HERMES?

Small and fragile, the boy had tan skin and dirty-blonde hair, along with one blue eye.

"SIX, what happened to his eye?" I asked.

"Looks like shrapnel, but he should be okay... I'll patch him up at the 10th... He lost his right eye, though," SIX informed me.

"He'll need surgery, though, to remove the eye, and the shrapnel from his face," SIX added.

"Will he make it back to the States?" I asked.

"Yes, for sure. I'll patch it up for the flight home, and then we'll rush him into surgery once we make it back to Red," SIX said, as he held the child's face, inspecting the wound.


With skilled-accuracy, SMOKE dropped two more charging Sinners—both females—as their tits flopped back and forth.

"Let's get the fuck out of here!" SMOKE shouted, and insisted.

"Yo, that might be his mother...." SMOKE said, as he scanned the perimeter for chargers.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" I asked, confused.

Violently, the young woman twitched, jerked, and kicked with convulsions about 20-feet away from us... Intensely, the woman's teeth and hands clenched tightly, as her back arched off the ground, pushing her chest into the air, while she manically groaned and grunted from the intense pain of the virus running through her veins. Displaying fiendish and malevolent behavior, the woman's fists tightly clenched, causing her fingernails to dig into the palms of her hands, as blood ran down her hands and wrists.

With white foam and saliva oozing from the side of her mouth, the woman's head quickly jerked back and forth, from left to right.

As she arched her back off the ground, her body, neck, and legs went into spasms, causing them to stretch out and stiffen, while her arms and fists tightly clenched up against her chest. Uncontrollably, veins popped out of her neck, as her muscles flexed, protruded, and bulged. Displaying possessed and demonic behavior, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, revealing only the whites of her eyes, while she let out an ear-shattering scream and squeal... Sending chills down my spine, I watched blood run and stream from her eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, while she choked on and spit up blood.

From observation, I came to the conclusion that a Sinner, some time ago, had bitten her right arm, because there were scabbed-puncture wounds in the shape of teeth on her arm. In addition, I could clearly see the infection within her body, because a large, red-circle encircled the teeth marks, while red lines streaked away from the bite wound, running up and down her entire right arm, and up into her neck.

Nevertheless, outside of the virus' fucked-up effects, she was a beautiful young woman in her early to mid thirties—maybe a few years younger than myself. Dominating with an incredible, sexy body, she had light-brown hair, tan-bronze skin, and a lean-athletic build. In addition, around her neck, she wore dog tags, with a male's name on them: Vasilis Alexandrakis.

Right next to her, a dead Greek soldier laid on the grass, with a rifle next to him, with his stomach gaped open, and half eaten. I assumed he was the father of the child, and the husband or boyfriend of the "dead" wife…

With that said, though, at this point, I am not certain if the woman was dead, or just fucked up in the head... Speaking from observation, the dead stayed dead, while the Sinners ran wild, so, like I said, at this point, I have not a fucking clue.


Skillfully, SMOKE dropped another Sinner as he charged for us—dropping him about 30-feet out.

"We need to get the fuck out of here! Our ride will be here in less than five!" SMOKE said.

"Hold on! This is our chance to get a grip on what the fuck we are dealing with! She's beginning to turn... SIX, watch my ass..." I commanded, as I took a closer look.

"Why?" SIX asked in confusion.

"I sure the fuck didn't run over here for my health... I need to get this woman's purse and dog tags, to make sure this is the boy's mother... He'll want to know what happened when he grows up," I said, as SMOKE secured a fire-perimeter around SIX and I.

"Grows up? You plan on keeping him once we get to the states?" SIX asked, in confusion.

"Where the fuck would you like me to take him? Look around... I'm not leaving him behind to die, because within a few days, the states will look similar to Athens, guaranteed... I wouldn't leave any of you behind, to fend for yourselves, so I'm not leaving him... We're among the last right now—there's nowhere else for him to go. Besides, he'd make an awesome Guardian, someday.... I'm not leaving him behind, alone, to die like an animal in some fucked up state-orphanage," I said, and insisted.

"Your call..." SMOKE said, as he provided cover from random chargers.

"Something is wrong with this bitch..." SIX said, while inspecting the woman from a short-distance.

Looking over at the woman, her teeth began to chatter as her body went into violent seizures... After lasting all but a few minutes, her body stopped convulsing and her breathing went shallow.

" my ass..." I commanded, as I shouldered my rifle, aiming for the woman's head.

"2-Mikes until evac arrives..." SMOKE said, informing us of the time.

Focusing the red-aim-dot just above her head, where I guessed it would rise once she sat up, I watched as the young woman's breathing began to intensify into heavy-fast breaths. Seconds later, the demonic bitch sat up on her ass and squealed at us.


Firing a single round, I sent a 6.5 Devastator through her head, splattering her brains all over the ground behind her, causing her body to slam back down on her back, bouncing her exploded-hollow head off the concrete.

After I grabbed her purse, and the dog tags from around her abnormally, pale, discolored neck, I headed for the half-eaten father. Checking his pockets, I eventually found a wallet, with a picture of the young boy, and then we sprinted off for the LZ to our awaiting squad, while I carried the small boy in my arms.

From a distance, the squad covered our asses, as they skillfully dropped charging Sinners all around us, while they knelt, forming a fire-perimeter, waiting on our ride.

As we ran for our lives, I could hear bullets whizzing past my head, as bullets broke through the air, flying past us, striking chasing bastards behind us. Designated as the team's marksman, KID was deadly accurate; thus, KID skillfully exploded Sinner heads with precision shots, dropping demonic bastards all around us, using the KI-ARES DMR.

Replacing the standard ARES barrel, the KI-ARES DMR, instead, utilizes a conventional, round, fluted barrel for attaching suppressors, and for enhanced accuracy; however, the rifle still utilized the same lightweight ARES modular design. Moreover, the KI-ARES DMR also comes with a standard issued bi-pod, while utilizing the Cyclopes PTS [Precision Tactical Scope], which allowed for precise adjustments to windage and elevation, and red, illuminated reticles for nighttime shooting.

When I made it to the LZ, I sat the little boy next to me. Within a few seconds of kneeling next to the child, with my rifle shoulder-ready, the CIA agent pulled a piece of paper out of her backpack, handing it to me. All the while, the squad continued to drop countless Sinners, as they charged for our fire-perimeter.

Upon looking at the paper, I instantly understood what it was, and my suspicions were correct. As I suspected, she was an agent that just arrived in Greece from China, after collecting Intel on the SIN Virus within China…ground-zero.

In the distance, I could hear the helicopter as I paused for a second, reading the classified report. Meanwhile, the team continued to hold back the charging Sinners with precision and suppressive fire, like combat surgeons.

"I'm out!" DUKE shouted, informing the team that he ran out of ammo.

"Here! Take it—my last mag!" I shouted to DUKE, as I ejected my seated magazine from my carbine, handing it to DUKE, which left me with just one round in the rifle chamber.

"I was ordered to hand you a copy," the agent said, as I scanned through the report.

"How long before it reaches the United States?" I asked.

"Two…maybe three days…tops," the agent replied.

"And the government…do they have a fucking clue?" I asked.

"Negative—the government is in shambles behind closed doors; they have not a clue of what to do. We're all fucked…the world is fucked," the agent said, just as the black, unmarked CIA Black Hawk hovered off the ground a few feet, just a few yards in front of us.

With deafening and earsplitting noise, the Black Hawk sent debris, leaves, and dirt and dust clouds into the air, limiting our visual of charging Sinners.

However, as the Black Hawk slightly hovered off the ground, the door-gunner ripped the Sinners a new asshole with the six-barrel, air-cooled, electronic Gatling-style M61 Vulcan, which disintegrated Sinner bodies into red-mist, as 20mm rounds pulverized their bodies.

"Get to the bird!" I shouted.

"SIX, take the kid!" I shouted over the loud engine.

Handing the little boy over to SIX, I scanned the area for any charging Sinner, protecting the team as they boarded the Black Hawk, while noting in my head that I only had one round left.

Mission accomplished; everyone boarded the Black Hawk, and as I was about to jump on board, one of those crazed fuckers came rushing out of nowhere.

Naked and covered in the blood, the son of a bitch squealed and screamed as he charged with his massive dick flopping back and forth. Apparently, the queer-fuck got excited when it chased men, because he had a hard-on from hell, as his donkey dick damn near hung to his knees.

Screaming and grunting, the son of a bitch was about ten-feet away from me when I spotted him out of the corner of my eye. Before the asshole tackled me to the ground, I swung around, pulling off a miraculous shot, point-shooting with my last bullet… Okay, not too miraculous, because I missed his forehead, shooting the son of a bitch in the lower jaw, disintegrating his lower head, missing the brain and vital organs, entirely.

Nevertheless, the bastard fell to the left of me, damn near at my feet, and before the Sinner could get up, DUKE sprayed three rounds into the back of the Sinner's head and neck, exploding it like a watermelon all over my BDU pants.

Once we were in the air, flying over Athens, I observed the city from above. Resembling the apocalypse, the city glowed an orange-red, as a result of intense fires scorching the city, covering the sky in thick, charcoal-gray smoke clouds, as large embers raced and danced through the smoke, like fireflies in the night.

In the distance, I observed isolated and sporadic tracer-rounds ripping through the city like lasers, as a result of small pockets of Greek resistance combating the "demons," fighting for their lives and country.

"The poor bastards won't survive the night!" KID said, shouting over the helicopter's engine, as we all silently watched from the safety of the Black Hawk.

Finally, the Black Hawk took us back to the 10th GUARDIAN, as hordes of Sinners greeted our arrival, surrounding the 10th GUARDIAN perimeter wall like ants to sugar, while MARS secured the last Hercules that awaited our arrival.

Before I jumped off the Black Hawk, I told the CIA agent, "good luck out there!"

"We're all going to need that luck!" she replied, smirking, trying to shout over the helicopter engine.

"Can I ask who gave you the orders to give me the classified Intel?!" I asked and shouted.

"That's classified!" she shouted, while smirking.

I threw up the street-salute, and jumped off, as the helicopter lifted into the air, disappearing into the dark skies.

"Welcome back, fuckers," RAZOR said, greeting us with a grin.

"Sitrep?" I asked RAZOR.

"Tight...butt-hole tight," RAZOR replied, which meant everything was under control, and going as planned.

"Kill," I replied.

Thanks to the outpost design, zero Sinners breached the 10th GUARDIAN perimeter walls that night, because the concrete walls were 3-foot thick, and 11-feet high.

"SIX, get that boy patched up so we can get the fuck out of here," I said.

"Wilco," SIX replied.

"Everyone, strip out of your shit," DUKE commanded the team.

Trying to avoid the spread of the virus, and bringing it back to the states, especially to Red, we all stripped naked, removing our dirty, bloody, and possibly virus-infected BDUs. Working as quickly as we possibly could, several MARS walked around, handing out fresh, clean BDUs to our team, while we wiped ourselves down with alcohol wipes, from head to toe.

"Fuck! That shit burns!" SMOKE said, as he wiped his balls with the alcohol wipes.

"Do you have STDs? Alcohol shouldn't burn your balls, unless you have open sores," SIX remind SMOKE.

"No, fucker—I cut my balls the other day as I was shaving," SMOKE said, informing SIX.

With father instincts kicking in, I stripped the little boy, and wiped him down, while SIX stripped and cleaned himself. Afterwards, I threw an over-sized MARS tee shirt on the boy. From there, SIX took over and started cleaning and patching the child's eye.

Using gasoline and a match, two Martians burnt our dirty and bloody BDUs and gear where they laid on the ground, trying to prevent anymore contamination within the 10th GUARDIAN, even though we will probably never return to the outpost.

As we dressed ourselves in clean BDUs, large explosions erupted throughout Athens, sending large plumes of smoke into the air.

Immediately, I knew what was happening. With zero fucks to give, the Greek military and air force started hitting strategic locations throughout the city with precision bombs and guided cruise missiles, either to destroy military and government Intel and facilities, or trying to combat the Sinners. I had a hunch they were doing both; therefore, I knew we had to get the hell out of the way.

"SIX, kill that plan—patch the boy on the Hercules. Let's get the fuck out of here!" I commanded.

"Double time!" DUKE ordered!

Leaving our burnt and charred BDUs and gear behind on the ground, we rushed to the Hercules, never looking back.

Within five minutes, we were in the air, heading for the United States.

On board the Hercules, and in the air, I read over the Intel the agent had given to me, while SIX finished patching the little boy, who sat right next to me in an oversized tee shirt, and that was it. I mean, we did not have shoes, socks, or any underwear in child sizes. Obviously, we were working with what we had, because all of our gear and humanitarian aid left with the first Hercules.

"HERMES," I said.

"Ya, mate?" HERMES responded.

"Find out the boy's name, and get the scoop on him," I told HERMES.

Chattering back and forth in Greek, HERMES started talking to the little boy, asking questions, trying to gain Intel.

"His name is Calix; other than that, the boy doesn't know anything. He just keeps asking for his mom and dad," HERMES informed me.

"Kill," I responded.

While everyone else pretty much passed out from the intense stress and exhaustion, I began writing the Maleficus journal, and tonight's event is definitely the first entry.

Once we reached US air space, two Air National Guard fighter jets greeted us, as they flew very close to the Hercules—to the left and right of the plane. After about five minutes of confirmation and identification, the two fighter jets took off in the opposite direction.

Within 30-minutes, we landed in Red, Missouri—a city that I founded and created for Freemen and Krazees, alike, which was also the headquarters for KRAZED Industries.

Sitting between five major rivers in the Midwest—Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, Des Moines, and Platte Rivers—Red dominated entirely in white modern concrete buildings, Lion and Greek angelic statues, fountains, red roses, red blaze trees, and our famous, four man-made rivers that ran entirely through the city.