Matt was raped by a "water buffalo" in his own bed, while he puked all over himself.

July 2, 2018 [WILDLY KRAZY]—The party was at Matt's house this time around, and it was one of my favorite parties of all time; not because one of our Four Horsemen got raped by a "water buffalo", but because I slept with Matt's sexy ass sister, in their shower.

Matt and his older sister rented a house together, as they both split the bills. Matt's sister is six years older than we are, which means she was 24-years-old at the time of this party. She had already graduated college, and was working as a 6th grade teacher at one of the local grade schools.

As usual, the party was nut to ass with people, and the house was filled with marijuana smoke—so thick that the smoke sat off damn near every fire alarm in the house; therefore, we had to remove all of the fire alarms and sit them outside on the back porch.

It was freezing nuts outside, too, as it was in the middle of December—two weeks before Christmas—so everyone was crammed inside of the two story house.

I was sitting at the front door, watching and checking everyone that walked in, while KRAZED and Brandon sat near me, selling liquor, as usual.

Kelsi walks in and immediately hugs and tackles Brandon—one of the Four Horsemen—causing the both of them to crash and fall on Matt's living room table, breaking the table completely.

Matt runs over, pissed off, yelling, "my table! You fucks broke my table!"

"Party foul," KRAZED blurts out, drunk off his ass.

"Kelsi owes everyone a peek show!" KRAZED blurts out to the party!

"Boobs! Boobs! Boobs!" the party crowd chanted, until Kelsi flips off KRAZED and lifts up her shirt, revealing her titties to the party.

"Brandon broke the table, too, so he should have to show his dick to the party," Kelsi blurts out to KRAZED.

"No homo here, love—no homo here," KRAZED shot back, before taking another shot.

KRAZED and we other Horsemen, along with a few Krazees, had been up all night, drinking since last night's party, so we were all shit-faced drunk and stoned, running on zero sleep since Thursday morning; and here, during this party, it was Saturday night at about 9pm when Kelsi showed her tits.

KRAZED was standing beside me at the door, building an empty beer-can-castle that he had started during Friday night's party. At that point he had over 50 beer cans stacked to damn near the ceiling, when Kelsi runs over and kicks the empty-beer-can-castle, causing the castle to collapse to the floor.

"Oh, you ruthless bitch!" KRAZED screams out, as he chases Kelsi through the house, until he catches her.

Once he caught Kelsi, he lifts up her skirt to the entire party, revealing her entire ass and bald pussy for everyone to see.

"Oh my god! It is bald, and without panties! You little slut!" KRAZED screamed out, as he bent over looking at her pussy, as he held her skirt up to her tits.

The whole party breaks out in laughter, as Kelsi screams at KRAZED, saying, "Oh my god—you asshole!"

KRAZED lets go off Kelsi skirt, and turns around, when Kelsi runs up from behind KRAZED, pulling down his athletic shorts to his knees, revealing KRAZED's pecker and ass to the entire party.

KRAZED did not have any underwear on, so he turns around, while holding a beer, and does this bunny hop, chasing Kelsi through the house, as his dick flopped up and down the entire time, as Kelsi ran around the house laughing.

Five minutes later, Shaggy blares through the radio.

At this point, girls are giving lap dances on the couch after the song started. Two ladies are topless, making out with each other, while standing up against the wall.

A few mintues later, KRAZED finally walks up beside me at the front door, and says, "hold my beer; I have to piss."

"Go to the bathroom and piss," I replied.

"Its occupied—three dudes in their pulling a train on this chick," KRAZED said.

"Sit the beers here—I have to piss, too," I replied back, as KRAZED and I headed outside to piss in the front yard.

It was around -15 below zero that night, as KRAZED and I pissed in the front yard, drawing our names in the snow, literally, while people lined up outside to get inside of our party.

"We can see your dicks, idiots!" some guy yelled, as he waited in line to get into the party.

"Fuck you—quit looking at our dicks, faggot," KRAZED yelled back, as we stood pissing.

"Have some respect—there's girls out here," the guy shot back, again.

At that point, KRAZED and I cut off our piss and run over by the guy and his girl, as we stood right in front of them, flopping out our dicks, and pissing two feet away from them.

"Now your girl has a better view. I think she likes my dick, too, bro—she keeps glancing at it," KRAZED said, as he pissed next to the guy's girlfriend.

The guy pushes KRAZED, and before KRAZED or I could put our dicks back into our pants and react, three of our bouncers had the guy in a headlock, on the ground, in the snow.

"Let him go—he's alright; he was just protecting his girl," KRAZED said, as he tapped the bouncers on their shoulders.

KRAZED hands the guy his hand, helping him up out of the snow, and tells the guy and his girl to cut through the line, and head inside.

"No hard feelings, my man—this is our party—we do what the fuck we want, like everyone else. There's only two rules, and one is no fighting. Go grab a few beers—they're on the house—and go have fun, and relax," KRAZED said to the guy, as they pounded fists.

"His girl was checking out our dicks, bro," KRAZED leaned over to me and whispered.

"Ya, I know—I saw her looking," I replied back.

"Hey, cuties—come and help us," Camila shouts out to KRAZED and I, as she and four of her girlfriends get out of Camila's car.

Camila is a fiery, hot Mexican chick, with a sexy ass body, and a phat ass. She was one of our party girls that we hung out with regularly. To us, she is like a sister—very friendly, always smiling, and chilled—"like one of the guys." No one fucks with Camila without going through the Four Horsemen, which is the reason she never brought her boyfriends around us, but that is for a different story.

Since she was five years old, she competed around the nation in dance competitions, and after a few years into college, she would become a Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader for two years straight.

KRAZED and I walk over to Camila's car as she stood there with four other girlfriends. Looking into the trunk of her car, we saw seven bottles of vodka, and nine bottles of tequila.

"Damn, girl—you're loaded," KRAZED said.

"I came to party, Krazee," Camila said to KRAZED.

"Fuck ya—that's my girl," KRAZED said, as he started grabbing liquor bottles from Camila's trunk.

Once inside, Camila tells KRAZED, "break'em open—let's get this shit start."

KRAZED pours him and Camila a shot of straight tequila. They both drink their shot in a matter of seconds.

"Another one," Camila demands.

KRAZED fills two more tequila shots, and they both slam'em down.

"Ready for another one?" KRAZED asks Camila.

"All night, Krazee," Camila replies back, as KRAZED fills six shots of straight vodka—three a piece for the both of them.

You see, this occurred every party, because KRAZED and Camila preferred straight vodka and tequila over anything else. Fucking Mexicans…

Within a minute, KRAZED and Camila finished all three shots of vodka.

"Pussies…only three shots?" Matt yelled at KRAZED and Camila.

"Get out of here—you cannot hang with me and my carnal," Camila said to Matt, laughing.

"I'm Russian—vodka is like water," Matt shouted back.

"Your mom is Russian—you were born in the United States," KRAZED said to Matt.

"Which makes me a Russian-American, dumb-ass," Matt shot back at KRAZED.

"Come on, Vladimir—put your money where your mouth is," Camila shot back at Matt, laughing.

"I want in! I want in, too!" Kelsi shouted as she ran over to the broken table in the living room that she helped break.

"No! I don't like you! You're the ruthless bitch that kicked over my beer castle," KRAZED shot back at Kelsi.

"Awe—I'm sorry," Kelsi said as she hugged KRAZED and kissed him on the cheeks.

"Nope—hugs and kisses don't work on me, and you know it," KRAZED said, as Kelsi hugged him.

"Okay—hurry up and feel my boobs then," Kelsi said.

KRAZED grabs both tits with both hands, as he looked over at me, smiling with a shit-eating grin.

"Okay—you can play too," KRAZED told Kelsi.

"Fill'em up," Camila demanded.

KRAZED laid out 20 shot glasses—out of the 46 shot glasses we had at the party for selling shots—and filled them with vodka, as KRAZED, Camila, Kelsi, and Matt got ready to play "suicide". Each one of them had five shots of vodka—lined up—and sitting right in front of them.

After filling them up, KRAZED shouted, "go!"

All four raced and chugged their vodka shots. KRAZED finished first, then Camila, and then Matt. Kelsi got three down before calling "quits".

"Let's do it again!" Camila demand, after KRAZED and her finished off Kelsi's last two shots.

Matt was standing across from KRAZED and Camila as his eyes started to get glossy.

"What's the matter, Vladimir—bitching out?" Camila asked Matt, laughing.

"Fuck you, Hayek, and your Spic," Matt slurred to Camila, referring to KRAZED and Camila.

"Te crees muy muy. We're going to show you, Vladimir," Camila said, laughing, with her sexy Mexican voice.

"Let's put this Russian to bed," KRAZED said to Camila, as they pounded fists.

Matt flips KRAZED and Camila off, as he grabs his dick, gesturing for them to suck his dick.

"Waterfall!" KRAZED shouted, as he started opening up cans of Bud Light.

Waterfall is a drinking game where you keep chugging until the first person quits. If you are the first person to quit, you lose. Now, if you finish your can of beer, you have to quickly pick up another can of beer and continue chugging until someone calls "quits".

At this point, just about everyone at the party is standing around watching the drinking contest between KRAZED, Matt, and Camila.

KRAZED finishes his first beer, and then Matt, and then Camila, as they both grab another beer and start chugging. By the sixth beer, Matt calls it quits, as KRAZED and Camila finish their eight and seventh beer.

Within a few seconds of calling "quits", Matt runs outside to puke.

"Que pedo?" Camila shouted, as Matt ran outside.

After five minutes outside puking, Matt walks into the house, and walks upstairs to his room, passing out in his bed.

About thirty minutes later, KRAZED is sitting on the floor, up against the wall between Camila and Kelsi, as they three share shots and drinks, bull shitting with each other.

"You realize that I'm going to fuck both of you tonight, right?" KRAZED asks Camila and Kelsi.

"Vamos a chingar," Camila said, laughing.

"See, Camila agrees," KRAZED said, laughing.

"I got a boyfriend," Kelsi said, smiling.

"Fuck your boyfriend—where's that queer tonight, anyways?" KRAZED asked Kelsi.

"I left him at home tonight," Kelsi said, laughing.

"See, you were already looking to get strange-wienered, anyways," KRAZED said, laughing.

"Speaking of wiener, I better go check on Vlad," KRAZED said, laughing.

KRAZED walks upstairs to Matt's room to find a large girl riding on top of Matt in the frog position—squatting on his dick, using her feet and hands to support herself, instead of sitting on her knees. All the while, Matt puked straight into the air, as the puke fell back down, smacking Matt in the face.

KRAZED ran downstairs and told me that a "water buffalo was riding Matt, as he puked all over himself."

"Did you get her off?" I asked KRAZED.

"Did you want me to drag her big ass downstairs, too?" KRAZED asked, being a smart ass.

"Vlad is okay—a piece of ass will do him well," Camila said, laughing.

"We'll just take turns checking on him every five minutes, to make sure he isn't choking on his own puke," KRAZED said, as he handed me a beer.

Five minutes later, I go up and check on Matt, and the big girl is standing up and putting on her zebra-print panties as Matt is passed out in his bed, covered in puke. I walk downstairs into the kitchen, and find the lesbians damn near naked, eating each other out on the floor as dozens of people stand around watching, and drinking.

"How's Matt?" KRAZED asked, as I walked back into the living room, while Camila and Kelsi are laying their heads on KRAZED's lap.

"Passed out, and the big girl is getting dressed. Her panties are so huge, it looked like she slaughtered and skinned a zebra," I said.

About thirty minutes later, Matt's sister walks into the house after getting into a fight with her boyfriend.

"Have you boys been behaving? You haven't been mean to any of these young ladies have you?" Matt's sister, Whitney, asked KRAZED and I.

"No…we're sweet hearts," KRAZED said, smiling.

"Ya…the type that make your teeth fall out," Whitney shot back.

"Especially you, Steven [KRAZED]—you're ornery as hell—always up to no go," Whitney said.

"I've been good all night," KRAZED said, laughing.

"Ya, as two girls lay passed out on your lap," Whitney replied back.

"They're my Krazees—I'm just taking care of them, like I would you, sugar bear," KRAZED said, smiling.

"Shut up, fucker," Whitney told KRAZED, laughing.

Whitney is a petite, and stunning looking woman, with blonde hair, tan skin, and blue eyes, and very out-going.

"Come on, hotness—come sit down next to dad. You're pretty grumpy; I think you need some wiener…" KRAZED said, smiling.

"There you go—thinking with that little head, again…" Whitney told KRAZED.

"I'm just trying to help you out, beautiful," KRAZED said, smiling.

"If you want to help, get me a joint ready, while I go check on my house," Whitney tells KRAZED.

"Sure thing, sweet thing," KRAZED replies back.

"Where's Matt at?" Whitney asks.

"Upstairs drunk, getting raped, and puking all over himself," I said.

"That light-weight pussy…" Whitney said, laughing.

Whitney comes back into the living room, and sits next to KRAZED as we all three share a joint, while Camilia and Kelsi sleep on pillows that sat on KRAZED's lap.

"Who the hell are those lesbians in my kitchen?" Whitney asks us.

"Don't know," KRAZED and I reply back.

"What the hell happened to my table?" Whitney asks us.

"Don't know," KRAZED and I reply back.

"Do any of you fucks know what the hell goes on inside of your parties?" Whitney asks us.

"Calm down, love. Here, open my wallet—there's $300-dollars in there. Go buy a new table," KRAZED told Whitney, as he tried to hand her his wallet.

"I don't want your money—I just want you to keep your people under control next time," Whitney said to KRAZED.

"Are you on your rag, woman—what the hell are you so pissy about?" KRAZED asks Whitney.

"No, I'm not on my rag, and for your information, I just got into a fight with my boyfriend. Is there anything else you would like to know?" Whitney asked KRAZED.

"Want to have breakup sex?" KRAZED asked Whitney.

"Shut the fuck up, retard," Whitney said, laughing.

"Pour me a shot of vodka," Whitney order me.

"$5," I told Whitney.

"$5?!" Whitney asks.

"Ya, we're running low, and it's too late to go grab more, so we had to up the price," I shot back.

"Supply and demand, love," KRAZED said, laughing.

"You're making money in my house," Whitney shot back.

"I'll tell you what, love—bend over and show us your sexy pussy—just a little peek show—and you can have all the drinks that you want, for free," KRAZED said, smiling.

"You guys are some scandalous little fuckers, aren't you?" Whitney said, laughing.

"I've already seen your pussy countless times," KRAZED said, giggling.

"Thanks for announcing that to everyone," Whitney said, annoyed.

"You're welcome, love," KRAZED said, smiling.

"I'm not showing my pussy off to a house full of strangers, especially with my little brother in the house," Whitney shot back.

"We're the only ones in here—everyone else is in the kitchen watching the lesbians, and Matt is upstairs passed out," I said.

"You better hurry up before people come back in here," KRAZED said, smiling.

"Oh my god—you guys are little fucking perverts," Whitney said, as she stood up, bent over, and pulled down her booty shorts, revealing her tight, bald pussy to KRAZED and I.

"Now, make me two shots, and then I have to go jump in the shower and go to bed," Whitney said.

Whitney drinks two more shots with KRAZED and says, "I'm going to jump in the shower—keep your people under control."

"Levi says he is coming to join you," KRAZED said to Whitney, referring to me.

"You little boys couldn't handle me," Whitney said, smiling.

"That's not what you said two weeks ago, when I bent you over your bed," KRAZED yelled.

"Oh my god—shut the fuck up, you little dick head," Whitney said, laughing.

"Don't test me, woman—I'll come in there and lick the water off your butthole like a thirsty puppy," KRAZED said, laughing.

"I'm sure you would, sick fuck," Whitney said, laughing.

"Go hit that, Krazee—that's a nice pussy—a tight pussy," KRAZED said to me.

"How tight?" I asked.

"Credit card tight," KRAZED said.

"Her pussy feels like a vice-grip, and according to her, her boy has a small dick, so I know for a fact her boy isn't doing any damage, just by how tight her pussy is," KRAZED said, smiling.

"She likes it in the butt, too," KRAZED said, laughing.

"Are you going to watch the beer?" I asked KRAZED.

"I got this, Krazee," KRAZED said, as we pounded fists.

I went upstairs and fucked Matt's sister in the shower, as I bent her over. Until two years ago, Matt never knew that KRAZED and I fucked his sister. Pretty fucked up, right? However, one of our Krazees still does not know that KRAZED fucked his mom.

Hopefully, KRAZED shares that story, because it is funny as hell.

Twenty minutes later, after fucking Matt's sister, I walk upstairs to check on Matt.

The minute I walk into the room, I see one of our Krazees and another guy pig-roasting the "water buffalo" in Matt's room. Our Krazee was fucking her doggy style, while she gave another guy head.

Two days later, the "water buffalo" called Matt, telling him that she was pregnant with his kid, and wanted child support, even though she fucked six other guys that night in Matt's bedroom.

Come to find out, two weeks later, she was never pregnant, but Matt did have to fix the Chlamydia problem that she gave him while he puked all over himself in his own bed.

To this day, we give Matt shit about him getting raped and catching an STD from a "water buffalo".