Here are social sins that you have probably broken within your life time.

July 20, 2018 [WILDLY KRAZY]—Listed below are some social sins that you have probably broken, or know someone that has.

Having sex in socks.

Wearing socks and flip-flops.

Wearing socks and scandals.

Wearing toe-socks with flip flops.

Wearing a tee shirt in the swimming pool.

Pissing in the pool.

Farting in public.

Not saying thank you when someone holds the door open for you.

Drinking milk directly out of the milk jug.

Kissing and making out in public.

Wearing sunglasses inside the bar or club.

Wearing shorts outside in the snow, in the dead of winter.

KRAZED does this shit all year long, because he hates pants. It never fails, every year, he wears shorts outside when it is-20 below. Make fun of his stupid ass!

Tucking your tee shirt inside of your shorts.

Tucking your tee shirt inside of your shorts, while wearing a belt.

Tucking your tee shirt inside of your shorts, while wearing scandals.

Walking into public wearing pajamas.

Walking into public wearing pajamas and house slippers.

Wearing denim jeans with a denim jacket.

Wearing two solid colors, such as a black tee shirt, with black jeans.

Wearing fanny packs.

Picking your nose in public.

Scratching your ass in public.

Pulling wedgies and veggies [vagina wedgies] out of your ass or pussy in public.

Wearing nut-cutters [tiny man-shorts] with knee-high socks.

Knee-high socks with athletic shorts.

Sagging with your pants falling below your ass.

Sagging, while wearing shorts.

Wearing clothes two sizes too big.

Wearing your favorite food as clothing.

Wearing high-waters.

Pulling your pants over your belly-button.

Wearing granny panties with leggings.

Adjusting your tits in public.

Reaching into your pants to unroll your underwear.

Constantly staring at people in public, especially while they eat.

Invading people's personal bubble.

Looking over at the other guy while you're both pissing at public urinals.

Talking in the movie theater.

Eating popcorn in the theater.

Poop with the bathroom door open.

Using all the toilet paper and not replacing it.

Fart under the blanket while sharing a blanket.

Shave your balls with your Krazee's beard trimmers… Personal story.

Putting me in stupid group messages through the phone.

Sending invites to Candy Crush.

Sending invites to Mafia Wars.

Inboxing nude pictures to people who did not ask for them.