We spent a day with a 'sugar baby'—a fashion model that gets paid by billionaires for sex.

May 5, 2018 [WILDLY KRAZY]—College and a great career are a life-goal for most young women; however, for a very few, college and chasing dead-end careers are not an option—for the simple fact they get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, just to stay out of college and have sex.

Serenity, a 24 year old, drop-dead-gorgeous-fashion-model, is one of those young women.

I was sent on a special business trip by WILDLY KRAZY to spend the day with Ms Serenity—to interview and get a glimpse of Serenity's daily routine—out in Los Angeles, California, where she lives and works as a fashion model and high-end sex escort. Of course, we offered, like we do everyone that we interview, complete anonymity; however, Serenity declined anonymity, and gave us the green-light to provide her real name, so long as we did not reveal her last name.

Two weeks ago, I followed WILDLY KRAZY's instructions, and prepared to meet Serenity at her place, in Los Angeles. First, and foremost, I had to pick up the rental car that WILDLY KRAZY had already rented and reserved as transportation for Serenity and I, out of courtesy to her. I had no idea what car I was picking up, either… I guess it comes with the territory of working for WILDLY KRAZY, as a freelance journalist…who knows?

When I arrived at the car rental in Los Angeles, I was surprised to find out that the rental was a Ford Mustang Shelby GT350. I was excited—because it looked sexy as fuck—even though I have zero clue when it came to cars.

I am a former Infantry Marine—a grunt. I am good-to-go when it comes to firearms, but I am retarded when it comes to engines and cars. Thus, the internet became my best friend that day.

According to the internet, the Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 supports a 5.2-liter V-8, with 526 hp, accelerating from 0 to 60 mph in 4.3 seconds. I guess that is fast, right?

As you can imagine, she was sleek and sexy as Hell…the Mustang, of course… She had a black body, with two-white stripes running down her middle, along with black rims, and a red-leather interior. I jumped in, and immediately turned the key, and OH MY eargasm!

I texted KRAZED, "Hey, Fucker—you pimped me out, huh?! The car is sexy as Hell, though!"

KRAZED, if you did not know, is the CEO and founder of KRAZED Industries and its brands, which includes WILDLY KRAZY.

He replied, "It's for Serenity—not you—ass wipe. I want her comfortable, and I want her to have fun. Did you get your payment, and the fresh gear that came in your package?"

"Yes, bitch—I got the package."

KRAZED replied, "Kill. Remember, be nice, and be polite—be a gentleman."

"So…I'll be the opposite of you?"

"Correct," KRAZED replied.

"Kill—good to go."

Next, I had to go claim my hotel room at the 'Ace Hotel', in Downtown Los Angeles, that WILDLY KRAZY had reserved for me. I spent the rest of the day at the hotel, at the rooftop bar, having drinks, and listening to eccentric music, among eccentric people.

The following day, at 9am, I went to Serenity's studio apartment to pick her up, and take her to a fashion shoot. Sitting in the Mustang, I called the number that WILDLY KRAZY had sent in the package.


From the sound of her voice, I could already picture in my head a sexy, young lady...and I was already excited, and nervous at the same time, to finally meet Ms Serenity. Her name alone, to me, sounded very exotic, and hip.


"That's me," she replied.

"Hey, Love—I'm Titus. I'm here for the WILDLY KRAZY interview…"

"Oh, hey! Come on up—I just got out of the shower. It will only take a minute."

I parked the Mustang, and climbed the four floors of steps, until I reached the door of Serenity's studio apartment. Before I could knock, Serenity opened the apartment door and let me in. She was wearing a black thong, and a white, fitted tee.

I could tell that Serenity was bra-less, because hard-erect nipples protruded her tee, engendering eye-candy for my eyeballs.

"Hey—come on in… Excuse the mess; I just did laundry this morning, and started folding everything. KRAZED just sent me a Whisper on KRAZESTER, saying that you were on your way," Serenity said, smiling.

"Ya, I just got done texting him a few seconds a go," I said, as I tried to break my gaze from her nippage.

According to WILDLY KRAZY's profile of Serenity—her resume—Serenity was 24 years of age, 6' 1", 132 lbs, blonde hair, and blue eyes, supporting B-sized breasts. She also supported a tattoo sleeve on her right arm.

Serenity's studio apartment was a huge, bare-concrete, open-floor concept. Her furniture was very modern, which featured a huge black-faux leather corner sofa, and opposite of that, a three-seated, black-faux sofa. A large-sized black-marble table and a red living room area rug supported the middle.

Naked photography of Serenity's modeling career, along with modern-abstract art, dominated her bare-concrete walls.

"Damn… It's no wonder WILDLY KRAZY wanted this interview—she decks out in the brand's branded colors and styles," I thought to myself, as I scoped out Serenity's flat.

"Is KRAZED your boss?," she asked, as she tidied up the studio apartment…

"I'm a freelancer; I do journalism work for him, and WILDLY KRAZY…plus WILD N' KRAZY…right here in Los Angeles, San Diego, and the rest of California. I met him in the Marines."

"He has quite the reputation—does he live up to his name?," she asked, as she combed her hair.

"Ask your government about him… Better yet, ask your president about KRAZED. He has that name and reputation for a reason."

"He knows Donald Trump," Serenity excitedly asked.

"Oh, here—here is the money for the interview," I said, trying to change the subject.

I handed Serenity the yellow shipping envelope that WILDLY KRAZY had mailed me a few weeks earlier. I did not have a clue of the contents inside, besides the interview payment that she was supposed to receive, so I was just as excited to open it as she was.

Serenity ripped open the envelope and pulled out a stack of money, wrapped and held together with two money bands, while a Benjamin lay on top of the stacked money, along with another envelope that she did not open in front of me.

Serenity took the money and envelope down the hallway into another room. As she walked, I watched her ass bounce back and forth in her black thong, as I thought of naughty…very naughty thoughts.

A few minutes later, Serenity walks out, wearing very short, white denim shorts, and a black tank-top.

"These are my favorite shorts," she said, smiling—talking about her denim shorts.

"Yes—they look sexy as Hell."

"Are you ready?," she asked.

"When you are, Love."

I followed Serenity down the four floors of steps, watching her tanned ass and legs as she gracefully walked. I could not help but notice that half of her ass cheeks were hanging out the bottom of her denim shorts, while the crotch of her denim barely covered her pussy. Sometimes, at a certain angle, I could see her bald pussy lips.

"Oh my God—that is a nice car! Is that yours?," Serenity asked with excitement…

I thought about it…real hard… I almost said it, but, luckily, I told her the truth.

"No, this is a rental car that WILDLY KRAZY rented for us…"

"Nice…you told the truth. KRAZED and I made a bet—to see if you'd try to claim the car as your own," Serenity said, smiling.

"What?! That fucker told you about the car?"

"It was a test…," Serenity said, laughing.

"That dick… He wouldn't tell me a damn thing..."

"He must like me more," Serenity said smiling and giggling.

"I'm sure he does..."

Serenity just giggled.

We got into the Mustang and left for her photo-shoot…a modeling session for a big clothing brand, and, of course, I was invited. According to her, I was going to be her 'body guard' for the day, so I was allowed to follow her everywhere.


"WILDLY KRAZY hasn't told me anything about you—I am totally blind, in the dark. Fashion modeling…you do that for a living?," I asked, while driving to the photo-shoot.

"That, and I'm a hired escort," Serenity said, nonchalantly.

"An escort? Like a body guard? You're CIA or Secret Service, aren't you?," I asked, laughing.

"No…a sex escort," she said, laughing.

"I get paid by millionaires, and billionaires to have sex with them; plus, they pay me to travel with them all around the world, during their business trips," Serenity continued.

"What made you decide to get into being an escort?"

"The money… The money is great! Plus, I get to see the world. See this?," Serenity asked, pointing to a diamond-lined nose ring in her left nostril.

"Three, 2k diamonds, set with 24k gold; plus, its custom made. This nose ring cost one of my clients $7,000."

"Fuck… Did you ask for it, or did he surprise you with it?"

"No, no…he had it custom made for me...a payment for a trip that I took with him to London. They're CEOs and very important and powerful people, so they like to flash what they have, and that is why they pay me to be their escort. They pay young women—mostly models—such as myself—to sleep with them, and travel with them—to stand by their side when they meet investors, and other rich and powerful people. It boosts their image; know what I mean? To these guys, image is everything," explained Serenity.

"They pay for everything, too, while I am with them. Clothes, jewelry…whatever I want. Last year, when you total in all of the free gifts, my hourly pay, sex-pay, and travel expenses, I made close to $500,000…", Serenity adds.

"Look at these… 4k diamonds, set in 18k white gold…$25,000 a piece," Serenity said, while playing with two diamond earrings between her fingers, that pierced both of her ears.

"That is hardcore," I said, while astonished at her expensive bling.

"I have one more diamond," Serenity said, as she pulled down her denim shorts, revealing her panty-less, bald pussy.

Using her index and middle fingers to spread apart her pussy lips, Serenity revealed her pierced clit. The piercing was a large diamond, set in white gold.

"Let me guess… $8,000?"

"No, this only cost $400," Serenity said, laughing.

"Are any of your clients married?"

"I don't know—that's their personal, private life and business. I don't ask about their personal life, and they don't ask about mine. I keep my job very private, confidential and secretive—it's how this business works. You do what you're paid to do, and you keep your mouth shut," Serenity said, very sternly.

"How many clients do you have?"

"Currently, I have 13 clients—ten are billionaires, and the other three are high-end millionaires," Serenity said, excitedly.

"Do they know about each other?"

"Almost all of my clients know each other, being that only about 1 percent of the population are billionaires… Often times, they pay to pull a train…or orgies… A few years back, I made $15,000 within five minutes, while five of my clients took turns fucking me on one of their yachts."

"Holy shit! $15,000 for five minutes?!"

"Of course… Each client pays $3,000, up front, to fuck me—no matter how long they last. All of my clients are old, fat, and out of shape. Most of the time, I make $3,000 for 30 seconds," Serenity said, laughing hysterically.

"I don't get the pleasure to sleep with handsome studs, such as yourself. Look at you: muscular, both arms sleeved in tattoos, a nicely trimmed beard. I can tell you workout, daily, and that you take good care of your appearance and health. If I were ever to settle down, and get married, or get into a serious relationship, you're the type of guy that I'd want….most definitely the type of guy I'd want to fuck, over and over, but—no offense, or anything—you probably couldn't afford me, anyways. I am very expensive and high-maintenance," Serenity said, laughing.

Right away I could tell Serenity was very out-going, charming, bubbly, honest and straightforward, and very down-to-earth. Furthermore, she was not shy, or afraid to strip and get naked in front of anyone. Perhaps, too, that is the reason she is making half a million dollars a year, while I barely clear $45,000 [WILDLY KRAZY, I want a raise after this interview].

I could tell that Serenity lived an affluent life-style, and that she loved to flash and show-off. She definitely was not some street-ho that you found on the corner, either. No, she had that swag about her… She took great care in her hygiene and appearance. She was very professional, and took her job seriously. Only the richest and the most powerful get to hire, fuck, and-or be around Serenity.

To her, if you're broke, you're not touching the 'sweet meat'.

"I couldn't imagine having sex with people I am not attracted to… Do you do one-night-stands—or anything—with people that you are attracted to—outside of your clients—just for fun and pleasure?"

"No…it's too risky. If I were ever to get pregnant, or catch an STD, my clients would run for the hills, and my paychecks would come to a screeching halt. I cannot afford that," Serenity said, with a devious smile.

"I do, however, like to play and flirt a lot, just to spice up my life," Serenity said, with a mischief grin.

"STDs… How would they know if you ever catch an STD?"

"I am required to do an STD test every month, or whenever they want one, at anytime; plus, sex always requires condoms and I actively take birth control," she asserted.

"Have you ever been paid, or required to perform sexual acts with women, as well?"

"Of course; I just had a threesome with a client and another escort of his—six days ago—while flying on his private jet to Paris. He's a French businessman, while she was German, and the French and Germans are all about sex and sexual exploration. In Europe, its taboo to look at sex as a bad thing," Serenity said, smiling.

"It was very fun… I was wetter and hornier than I can ever remember being. I was bent over on my knees, in the middle of the aisle, while my client fucked me doggy-style with his massive 8 inch dick, at the same time that his other escort licked my clit. I came twice," Serenity said, laughing hysterically.

"8 inches? That's pretty impressive… Have you ever measured it, to make sure of the claim?"

"Let's put it this way: when I grab his cock, my fingers have an inch gap between my finger tips, and my palm; and I have long fingers—see? When I blow him, I can only fit the head into my mouth, and that's deep throat. He's the biggest I have ever seen. Problem is, he doesn't know how to use it, and he's a premature. The girl licking my clit is what got me off, thankfully, because he doesn't do it for me," she said.

"Furiously pocking a hole doesn't work," she added, laughing hysterically.

I tried to drive and pay attention to the road, but I will admit, it was very hard to concentrate, and I can see why these old, rich bastards paid her high dollar for a piece of ass. She was sexy as Hell; her pussy was credit-card tight—only a credit card could fit between her tight pussy lips; plus, she was extremely flirtatious, and playful…very out-going and fun to be around.

It took us about twenty minutes to get to the photo-shoot. When we got there, Serenity went into the building without me, while I stood next to the Mustang, trying to get my dick to go limp.


Two minutes later, I walked into the building to find Serenity.

Within a few minutes of entering the building, Serenity was off to work, with a serious and professional attitude and swag.

Her body was like a work of art—chiseled and carved like a Greek Goddess—with breasts that were perky, and firm, while her petite body flowed and moved elegantly during the photo-shoot. Her eyes and gaze were serious, intense, and concentrated, as she stared straight into the camera, dominating the entire room of people.

On set, after every clothing shoot, she quickly stripped down—bare naked—in order to change into the next clothing piece.

Two hours later, after the photo-shoot was over, Serenity walked off set, naked, shaking all of the photographer's hands, thanking them for their time, money, and professionalism.

"Come on, Handsome—let's go back to my place, so that I can take a shower," Serenity said.

"Fucking dick-tease," I thought to myself.

Once we entered her studio apartment, Serenity immediately stripped right in front of me, walked into the bathroom, and started taking a shower.

"I'm going to head back to my hotel room, so I can take a shower and change. Text me when you're ready to go eat dinner."

"Okay, Handsome—I'll see you in a few hours," Serenity yelled from the shower.

Back at the hotel, I jumped in the shower. While in the shower, the image of Serenity's pussy popped into my head… Shampoo and a right hand, with pussy images in my head—what is a man to do? Well, I did what any normal man would do.

After a two minute shower, including 30 seconds of making bubbles, I set on my hotel bed, opened up my laptop, popped head-phones into my ears, and began writing this article.

Several hours later—an hour and a half before we had to be at our dinner reservation—Serenity texted my phone:

"Are you ready, Handsome?"

"Ready when you are, Love," I texted and replied back.

It was a lie, though, because I was not ready—I fucking lost track of time; damn it.

I quickly jumped up, brushed my teeth, pulled out the suit that WILDLY KRAZY had sent me, and threw it on. Luckily, I trimmed my beard the night before.

When I got back to Serenity's apartment—and saw what she was wearing—my dick started to chubby, again, while testosterone and naughty thoughts ran through my body and head. Around her, I was like a teenager all over again—I couldn't control my pecker from its random, and sudden boner outbursts; the fucker was always trying to get her attention, it seemed.

Serenity dominated a slim-fit, sparkling-black-mini-skirt-dress—that barely covered her pussy—and red high-heels.

"Wow… You look nice. Matching panties, too?"

"No, no panties," Serenity said, excitedly, as she lifted up her mini-skirt, revealing her ass and bald pussy, doing a little spin to show off her 'goods'.

"God damn it—lay down," I thought in my head, speaking to my pecker.

"Where do I find clients like you?," Serenity quietly asked, as she walked up to me, adjusting the collar of my under shirt.

I wore a red suit, and a black under shirt, and all-black sneakers, decked in 'GIORGIO ARMANI Acqua di Giò'—the shit that causes panties to fly off. However, in my case, Serenity was already free-spirited under her dress… My night was already looking great, and it had not started yet…

I noticed that WILDLY KRAZY had sent me a suit that matched Serenity's dress. Either they did their homework, or Serenity informed them of the dress she was going to wear for dinner. Either way, we fucking looked good together. I could, easily, get used to this affluent life-style. James Bond style, motherfuckers…

"I haven't seen something this good in four years," Serenity stated.

"Technically, I paid you; therefore, I am a client… See, problem solved."

"Technically, WILDLY KRAZY paid me, so WILDLY KRAZY is my client," Serenity said, laughing.

"Fuck WILDLY KRAZY—I'm the one doing all the hard work."

Serenity laughed and said, "Come on, Handsome—let's grab some drinks."

Serenity and I left her studio apartment for the 'PERCH', in Downtown Los Angeles.

The 'PERCH' is a rooftop restaurant and bar that offers amazing views of the Downtown Los Angeles' skyline, where I ordered a beer, while Serenity ordered a 'Hemingway on the Beach' cocktail. From there, I resumed WILDLY KRAZY's paid interview with the stunning Serenity.

"You mentioned KRAZED at your apartment… How do you know KRAZED?"

"I was introduced to KRAZED through some of my clients, through business deals and partnerships; mostly in the fashion industry." Serenity stated.

"A couple weeks later, WILDLY KRAZY asked for an interview, I set the price, and they paid. I don't know much about him, besides the hearsay and his reputation. To me, he was very stern and reserved—in a sexy way—straight to the point—and only talked about business. I've met many men like him, and none were clients, because, to them, women are not a priority—women aren't even a pleasure that they desire. Money, and business are the only things that they desire," Serenity added.

"So you believe KRAZED is an uncaring asshole. Got it."

"No, no…just someone that knows what he wants, and executes well, without letting distractions, such as women and sex, get in his way," Serenity said, laughing, after quickly interrupting.

"Okay—he's an asshole with priorities. We both can agree to that."

Serenity laughed, and gulped down her first cocktail, so I gave her a minute so that she could order a second cocktail.

"You said that you get paid by the hour, when you travel and hangout with your clients. How much do you make an hour, minus $3,000 for sex?"

"$100 an hour, while everything else is paid for, such as hotel cost, food, etc," Serenity said.

"What's the highest amount you've been paid, just for one visit for a client?"

"A little over $25,000 for a three-day trip, which involved sex—six times—and that's very common, too," Serenity replied.

"So what is your wrap—what is your background?"

Serenity starts laughing, saying, "Well…I am actually a Catholic school girl. I was born and raised in church. I even went to private school my entire life, graduating from a Catholic High School. I grew up with a silver spoon, thanks to my father's venture capitalist business, in Silicon Valley. I got into modeling during my senior year, and then, two years later—when I was 20 years old—I met my first billionaire client during a photo-shoot. Everything else is history from there."

"Do you still attend church, or participate in religion?"

"Oh, God no! I believe in God, but I don't believe in a man-made religion. I had no choice as a child," Serenity said, laughing.

"Does your father and mother know what you do?"

"No…at-least I don't think they know. If they do know, they haven't said anything to me… They know that I am a professional model, but they don't know about my clients," answered Serenity.

"So you have been doing this for four years now?"

"Yes," Serenity replied.

"So you're a millionaire now?"

"Well over," Serenity asserted.

"Is 'Serenity' your real name?"

"It sure as Hell isn't my sex-name," Serenity said, laughing. "Yes, it's my real name," she added.

"Would you like anonymity for this interview? I don't kiss and tell…"

"No…no…there's no such thing as bad publicity; just don't reveal my last name," Serenity said, laughing.


Serenity and I ordered several more shots, a few more beers for me, and a couple more cocktails for her.

Within an hour and a half of being at the bar, Serenity got a text from one of her clients.

"Is that one of your clients?"

"Yes," Serenity replied, as she put the smart-phone back into her purse.

"Are you going to answer him?"

"No, because I am already with another client… I was paid for an entire day; our interview isn't over yet," Serenity said, smiling.

Six shots, three beers, and five cocktails later, Serenity and I walked out of the restaurant. Well…I did… Serenity, on the other hand, could not walk straight… Luckily, I spent four years as a Hollywood Marine, in Camp Pendleton… This shit was an every weekend occurrence in the Corps. Thus, I was not even buzzing, so I carried Serenity to the car.

While carrying Serenity to the car, she started nibbling on my ear and kissing my neck, as she stroked her fingers through my hair.

"What cologne are you wearing? Makes a girl wet," Serenity whispered, as she nibbled on my ear, drunkenly laughing.

"Armani—do you like it?"

"A lot," she whispered into my ear.

I opened the passenger door, sat Serenity in the seat, and then buckled her up. I got into the driver seat, buckled up, and shut the door, but before I started the Mustang, I noticed Serenity had already passed out, leaning up against the passenger door.

Within fifteen minutes, we were at Serenity's apartment building. After I parked, and turned off the Mustang, I looked over at Serenity. Serenity curled up into a ball, and passed out, as her naked ass and bald pussy peaked, and protruded out of her mini-skirt.


I carried Serenity across the parking lot, and into her building, and up two flights of stairs, before tripping over my own fucking feet, and crashing up the steps. I did not want to fall on top of Serenity, and possibly hurt her, so with cat-like-reflexes, I flipped to my right side as I fell, crashing my ribs, hard, into the steps, echoing the entire hallway. I struggled for air, as sharp pains shot through my chest and ribs.

Immediately after we fell, Serenity cracked open her eyes, squinting, and said, "Did I just fall? Sorry—I am soooooo….drunk…," laughing and giggling like a naughty Catholic school girl.

Eventually, I made it to her apartment door, still carrying Serenity, grasping for air, as my ribs burned and throbbed in pain, sounding like a fat-kid on a treadmill.

Holding Serenity in one hand, I dug through her purse with the other, blindly searching, and feeling for her apartment keys. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, mission accomplished. By that time, my arms were numb, and felt like they were going to rip from my arm sockets, crashing Serenity to the floor.

Swinging her apartment door open, I sped-walked Serenity to her bed, before my arms gave up. Once I laid her down—getting ready to cover her up—Serenity softly whispered, "take off my clothes, please."


Thus, I eagerly followed her command, stripping Serenity out of her clothes, as she lay on her back, spread-eagle.


"Night, Handsome," she said, softly, as she grabbed my balls and cock.

"Night, Love."

I threw the covers over Serenity, and walked out of the apartment, and drove back home—to San Diego—with sore ribs and a depressed cock.

It was 7 am the next morning—with only two hours of sleep—when I got a wake-up-text from KRAZED, asking, "Hey, Fucker—how did it go?"

"I have black ribs, blue balls, and a depressed cock; other than that, it went great."

"To me, it sounds like you need to use some of that money that I paid you, in order to have that sand scraped from your mangina… Suck it up, Buttercup—you just spent an entire day, driving around a $60,000 dollar car, with one of the hottest, and most sought-after women in the world, on my dime, " KRAZED replied.

"More like the biggest dick tease in the world…"

"Only Billionaires get that pussy, my man. You should feel lucky having the opportunity that you had; very, very few get the chance to hang-out with Serenity," KRAZED asserted.

"Lucky? I am pretty sure that 13 billionaires are the only luck ones… They're lucky that a heathen didn't take up the Catholic's offer to enter the church, because I would have purified the shit out of that church...if I wasn't on assignment," I replied and texted back.

"Sometimes, the best jobs require you to get dirty; next time, get dirty," KRAZED reminded me.