In America, we can display drugs and imaginary gods on TV, but sex is bad.

July 25, 2018 [WILD N' KRAZY]—Sex, it is one of the most natural things humans do, besides sleeping and eating, but in America, it is taboo to openly discuss or showcase sex or nudity.

In America, we can gather at a Christian church, under a pagan god and cross, on a pagan day, talking to an imaginary man in the sky, but the moment you display or discuss sex, everyone loses their god damn minds…

Hell, sex is so taboo in America, Christians do not even know the sex of their own god. I shit you not, a few weeks ago, biblical scholars and Episcopalian Church leaders debated their god's gender during an Austin, Texas General Convention.

Christians took a day just to debate on whether their god was male, female, or if the fucker was gender-neutral.

Undoubtedly, the scary part—more US presidents have been part of the Episcopal Church than any other denomination—and people still wonder why America is falling apart… I mean, Christians do not even know the sex of their own god, for Christ's sake…

In 2004, I was in high school during the NFL's Superbowl half-time show, when Justin Timberlake revealed Janet Jackson's tit. After that, everyone lost their fucking minds…over a tit that every female is born with…

Meanwhile, during the whole game, Bud Light, Busch, Budweiser, and all the other liquor and alcohol brands, bombarded America's televisions with beer commercials, promoting their drugs to America's youth.

Moms and dads of America laughed and giggled at Budweiser's Clydesdale, and all the other beer commercials, while their children and teenagers sat next to them, but the moment a black woman revealed her titties on television, an outcry ensued across America. Consequently, everyone went ape-shit over a nipple and tit, while they laughed at a drug that is the third leading cause of death in America.

In fact, alcohol is the number one drug choice for America's youth, while an estimated 88,000 people—approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women—die from alcohol-related causes, annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States.

Obviously, not one person died from the result of Janet Jackson's tit, either…

In high school, I had a Krazee who he and I used to share women at parties…more women than I can remember… You see, he did not die from titties…sex…or nudity… No, he died from a drunk driving accident.

Only in America can you bombard televisions with opioid commercials, and magazines with opioid advertisement—a drug that kills 20% of our young adults—but the moment you discuss or showcase sex or nudity in America, a rage-storm ensues.

In fact, opioid deaths in the US increased 292% from 2001 to 2016, but yet, it is okay to promote drug use across America, but sex and nudity is frowned upon.

As an artist that has been drawing naked women since the age of four, I can tell you that the human body is one of the hardest things to draw, correctly, because the human body is an art in itself—a fucking masterpiece that displays an unseen creator…a master sculptor within the universe.

However, in America, the human body is somehow taboo, while it is frowned upon to openly discuss or showcase sex in public—something that is as natural as breathing.

In America, we praise and discuss an unseen god that we cannot physically touch, have a conversation with, or physically experience love or affection with, but, somehow, the human body is forbidden for discussion, as it is a sin to have or enjoy sex, or lust over a naked human. However, we are supposed to praise a god that slaughtered innocent men, women, and children, because they, unknowingly, disobeyed the god's commands…or did not know who the fuck he or she was...

If sex is a sin, then why did god create sex organs and reproductive parts?

Marriage…of course…religion always finds a way to explain away their hypocrisy, but marriage is not a set law… Ancient societies used marriages for many different reasons—outside of appeasing an angry god.

Understand, marriage has changed overtime, since the beginning of civilization, based on cultures, and societies, all to serve different purposes, outside of religion.

Marriage has been used as a way to protect bloodlines, to form and create nations and armies. Consequently, kings and queens married to secure power, land, and riches through a strategic alliance between royal families.

In biblical times, it was okay for a man to have multiple wives, but somehow, all of that changed within society, which is currently dictated through religious lobbyists within our governments.

How awesome is it to have religious fanatics trying to create laws and dictate your society, your bedroom, and your sexual life, based on their religious beliefs? Of course, I was being sarcastic.

A while back, I told my wife that I am going to create a giant, marble statue of myself, naked, right beside our swimming pool, when I build Red—a city for humanity.

Yes, my goal in life is to create a city where everyone can walk around naked, if they want—or whatever the fuck they want—in peace… I am looking to create a concrete city with the largest party and feast mankind has ever experienced, with zero rules, besides laws against violence.

I said, "soon, after I conqueror the world, and build my empire, I am going to sculpt a naked, marble statue of myself, standing over our swimming pool…"

"Why would you want a naked statue of yourself?" my wife asked.

"Because it is taboo, and frowned upon in America," I replied.

"And, throughout the city, I am going to have naked statues of Spartans, and statues of naked Goddesses, showcasing humanity in its natural state, for all of our guests, and citizens," I added.

My daughter then blurts out, "I am not bringing my children over to your pool then! My children will not swim under grandpa's balls!"

I can see it now…

"Dang, grandpa—your dick is so big, it touches the water…."

"No, grandson—that statue is what we artists call 'artistic exaggeration,' and in my case, that statue is sculpted, completely, with exaggeration."

We now have celebrities, politicians, and professional athletes and professional coaches, such as the NFL and NBA, subscribed to WILDLY KRAZY! Thank you all, and together, we will unfuck society, and make it freer, and a hell of lot more entertaining!

You Krazees rock! Have a great day, fuckers!